Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Winding down in Kalgoorlie!!

 June 2, 2021

Just like our time in Karratha came to an end & saying farewell was difficult there, it's the same here in Kalgoorlie! It's very tough to grow to love people so much & have to say goodbye, but, along w/the bitter comes much sweet...wonderful memories of people we've come to love & respect & experiences that we will hold in our hearts forever. 

It seems like the quicker time flies, the more opportunities have been coming out of the woodwork! We've been trying to meet a young couple (partners) since last November but have had no luck until a couple weeks ago. He's been less active for the past 10 years but is wanting to come back to church. She's not a member & is uninterested so far...they're expecting their second child in a few weeks. She's a hairdresser who has her own business & needed some help in managing it more successfully. Her hubby asked his mom if she knew anyone w/experience & curiously enough, she's been taking the Start Your Own Business self-reliance class we teach. So she called us one day when he was available to chat & met him at the church...after about 45 mins he called his wife & she came down for another hour. She was very emotional & said yes when asked if she would like a Priesthood blessing. Her husband stood in to assist & it was a beautiful blessings. Overall, our time w/them was a great experience, the Spirit was very strong. Over the next ten days we continued to meet again w/them for meals/talks & we feel strongly they will come along nicely w/help from the members & his parents. Here we are at our place w/Bro & Sister Drage & her son, Brodie. Below is Brodie & Gemma. 

Next up was a Relief Society activity I've wanted to do since we arrived in Kalgoorlie. It's one we've done at home for many years w/great success & is so much head's up all you other gals! It's called 'My Favorite Things' can find all kinds of pictures w/ info & ideas on Pinterest to plan your own gathering. We had a great turnout w/about 37 gals in attendance; learned all kinds of interesting things about each other & had a great time. I highly recommend giving it a try!

We had to take a break during our activity to see/take pictures of the lunar eclipse! It was so beautiful & the first picture was taken almost over our heads! Here are a couple other pictures of the eclipse. One from over the Opera House in Sydney, Australia & the other over Mr. Timpanogos, Utah.

Here we are having a birthday lunch w/the  eldest Elder in our mission...Elder Amitua turned 26!! He wanted a burger, but we refused to  go spend a small fortune for a lousy burger at McDonald's or Hungry Jack's, so instead made him one from scratch. He was in heaven even though he could barely get his mouth around it. His favorite food is KFC...which they probably get 3-4 times a week, either from members or themselves! No kidding...that stuff is poison & it's no wonder the Elder's gain so much weight while serving. Senior missionaries teach more than the gospel! Life skills for their future...wives will thank us later on for teaching them how to do their laundry, cook & clean properly! 

We had dinner w/several of our Chinese guys whose families are now here in was a lovely evening w/one little newborn who was adorable & quiet while five young children ran/played loudly throughout the house while the adults were trying to converse & pretty much the same as back home! That's one thing that has been made abundantly clear to us while serving far from home... people are the same everywhere. Every culture/race/country... they all love their families, want to provide for them/find happiness/& be successful in life. We have so many things in common, which should always be our focus & concern...not the differences, the politics, the money or lack of...just how much we are alike. 

Here's Victor looking at the camera...his wife & two kids just arrived from China & they join James w/his wife Chen Chen (holding Jack) & Henry & Yue. Jordan's wife/children will be arriving in July. The other men's families won't be coming least not now & because of Covid, they are unable to return home as they wouldn't be able to return to WA to work. So they sacrifice a great deal to be here. 

We got to choose the English names for two of the Chinese kiddos...the baby above is Ethan & the other one w/his mom's hand on his head is Jack...he really liked to eat & has such a sweet, shy smile. Their parents were very happy w/both names & we hope both little boys will grow up to be kind, happy & their namesakes. 

Next up was a visit to a local woodworking genius at a place called Chunky Timber. A tour train was parked out front & the passengers were just getting back on & ready to leave to continue their sight-seeing of the interesting places in the Goldfields. We figured if this place wass on the 'tour' then it's probably worth checking out. It totally was!! 

Here's a beautifully restored 1956 Chevy pickup...Randy was drooling over this one & another the owner was starting to restore. 

             Cool chair made from an old wine barrel, coffee table & a funky coat tree.
This is a dining table he made for his's about 12' long...he had to cut it down by about a third as it was too big to fit in her house. It would probably sell for $20+K back home in Sun Valley...the picture doesn't begin to do it justice. It was gorgeous!
Some beautiful samples of different things...the wood is lovely & some were so iron.  This is his cavernous workshop filled w/some wood that is hundreds of years old, very rare & valuable from all over Western Australia's outback. Elder Tate would have loved to hang out here for a few days & get creative.

Next up was dinner at the Riquelme's to enjoy a true Chilean meal together w/the whole family. Roberto is the new 2nd counselor in the happy for that! They are a wonderful family w/strong testimonies & a love for the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! We will miss them so very much! Leah, myself, Camilla, Claudia & Arabia.
The younger son, Robbie cooks at the grill. His mom's Argentinian marinade is the best we've ever delicious! The steaks were to die for! Here's dad Roberto, Robbie & Pablo...husband to Arabia. Some of our favorite peeps on the planet! 

Gathered for the feast! So many pictures gathered together around the table as we eat, laugh, talk, laugh some more & eat it any wonder we've gained a few kilos over the past couple of years?! 

Saying goodbye to some NZ friends, Kevin & Vanessa Wijohn. He's not a member & she was a less active sister w/whom we've become very close to over the past six months. Kevin loves fishing about as much as Randy, so they always have big tales to exchange. He gave Randy a beautiful fishing reel as a goodbye gift...very touching & sweet, as he felt a connection w/Elder Tate that he hasn't really felt w/anyone at Church before. He came to hear our farewell talks & said he was surprised at how much he enjoyed church. We are hopeful they will continue to move forward & find  happiness together on the covenant path. 

Of course we had to have more of our favorite peeps over...the beautiful Sheck family over to share a meal & spend some special time together. We had a great meal w/lots of the close they sang us a traditional Maori farewell song which made me cry like a baby. I know it's not forever...otherwise I would be a basket case! 

Finally, here we are w/Peter & Harriet Young's wonderful family! His younger son, Adum, was on Elder Tate's basketball team, which is how we met. They have two older boys at university in Perth...very smart & hard working family. He's the assistant pastor of the Assembly of God Church & the chaplain at the Baptist school. A wonderful family from Ghana who have many good friends in the Church whom they respect. He comes to do family history research at the church; has put the gospel library app on his phone & wants a Book of Mormon to study for his sermons. What?! 

Brodie & Gemma, Kevin & Vanessa, the Young's & our Chinese families are some of the 'elect' people the Lord has placed in our path to love, serve & teach, so they can receive the blessings of the restored gospel & make sacred covenants w/Him. Oh how we wish we had more time to spend w/them all to help bring them to the knowledge they have been prepared to receive! Unfortunately, our time here is gone so it is now up to good friends, who are also members, to encircle them in love & draw them into the Church. We know as members do this the Lord will bless themknows who will be instrumental & how to bring it about. 

It's been wonderful to discover there are people everywhere that we 'remember' from before we came to this earth. As we develop relationships & serve others, our hearts turn even more outward & what we desire more than anything else is to help our brothers & sisters come unto Christ. 

Serving as full-time missionaries, as emissaries of the Savior doesn't make us perfect, in fact it makes us even more aware of our inadequacies & weaknesses. Being aware of those weaknesses helps keep us humble & strengthens our resolve to be the best examples possible. It also brings a greater appreciation for how precious the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is & helps us feel a deeper love for God & others. Because of that love we have a greater desire to become more Christlike so we can be effective, obedient & valiant in the testimonies we bear of Him.

We are reminded in Hebrews 11:1..."Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.' Faith is an action word & requires much of us. I encourage you to read Elder Anderson's 2013 talk entitled, 'It's a Miracle', & prayerfully consider these words..."If you're not a full-time missionary w/a badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart...painted, as Paul said, "not w/ink, but w/the Spirit of the living God." Please continue to pray for missionaries throughout the world & do all you can to support the great work of gathering Israel, whether it be on this side of the veil or the other. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. Our Father has given us a roadmap home which is found within the church & our beloved Russell M. Nelson is His chosen Prophet who gives us much needed council & guidance through these troubled times. As we draw closer to our Savior & Heavenly Father, we will draw closer to our spouses & families & will receive the strength to navigate the challenges & trials that we may face.

We love you all & know this great work of salvation is true. Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder & Sister Tate 

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