Monday, June 21, 2021

Goodbye, Australia...Hello, America!

 June 20, 2021

Preparing to leave Kalgoorlie left us w/much to be accomplished. Thank heavens for helping hands & willing hearts who certainly lifted our burdens & made them light. What at one point seemed a long time coming. came much too soon. We will be forever changed by the amazing opportunities & blessings we experienced in Western Australia & the people who make this such an incredible place.  


Elder Meads & Elder Amitua...very strong young men & valiant in their testimonies of the Savior. We will miss their infectious smiles & laughter... & so strong!! 

Saying goodbye to people we love is never easy. But how grateful we are to know we will have the eternities to hang out, reflect on the great experiences we've shared & how the gospel blessed our lives. Here are just a few of the families who influenced & made a difference for us...the Pilason's; Alison Walker (who is expecting) & her boys; Josh & CeCe w/new little princess, Amelie, who took her own sweet time getting here.

The Mortley family, Mark & Ngaio Drage; Marea TauPau & the twins Elder Tate coached. 
                                        Bishop Sheck, his wife Fulu & their kids

Henry & Yue; James & Chen Chen...two of our Chinese couples we taught English.

One of the wonderful groups who distributed bread we gave them each week to members of the community. Maria (by Randy) & Serena (in pink shoes) are both members & great examples of how to love/serve others. Serena is the Relief Society President & a great missionary.

The mission has been getting new missionaries from the east coast on a fairly regular basis so when we got to Perth there wasn't any flats available to stay in for any of us senior couples leaving. Fortunately, some members had a lovely B&B right next to one of the chapels. Interestingly enough, it's the chapel that some of our former Karratha friends now attend. I shouldn't be surprised anymore after witnessing so many of God s's tender mercies that He would look after us! 

We were able to share a meal w/the Baker family from Karratha...Kent, Georgia, Indie & Reeve along w/his wonderful parents, Phil & Trish Baker. They are such great people who love the Lord & strive to be dedicated disciples of Christ & good examples to all they meet. Stuart & Michelle Otto, also from Karratha, were also in Perth so we joined them for dinner at a very good Italian restaurant we found & shared lots of laughter & good stories around the table.

We spent another lovely evening w/Brother & Sister Grinceri & met their beautiful grand daughter Stella. She served at the Rome Temple & met my older brother who was the head engineer while there. Such a small world in the Church! Below on the left is Oxana Osovskaya...a single mother & her two kids who were baptized a few weeks ago...they immigrated to Australia from Russia & the other photo is of two sisters from Karratha, Deanna & Sonya Dimitrov. One of my early posts in 2019 was of a bunch of us at the airport sending Sonya off on her mission to San Diego. Crazy that she's back & saying goodbye to us a few days before we return to America; the lower picture is of the Alekna's who served w/us for 18 months before returning home to Sydney. They have just moved back to Perth so we were able to say 'hello' & 'goodbye' again. 


Sitting in President Bennallack's office to receive our last interview prior to leaving for home, we once again looked at this map & remembered our first day in Perth, Western Australia. We were nervous & many feelings/thoughts rushed through our bodies/minds as we wondered where we would serve & whether or not we could make a difference in the lives of others. As we pondered on these things, three arrows caught our eyes. They were clear up north & the furthest one could get from Perth in the mission. We instantly wanted to go to those places. Broome was closed for missionaries, but Karratha & Port Hedland were open & became the first two areas in which we served. 

After eight months in Karratha we were called back to Perth because of Covid & the next time we were in the president's office we noted that Kalgoorlie was the furthest inland & that's where we hoped to go next...& that's exactly where we were assigned. We also got to go to Esperance several times to meet w/members's not marked w/an arrow, but lies directly below Kalgoorlie on the lower coast of the Indian Ocean. As you can see, these areas are some of  the most remote of the Church, but they have wonderful members living there & other people who need the restored gospel in their lives. We were so privileged to be able to serve & help these good people know the Lord is aware of them. 

President planned a conference for all missionaries while we were still in Perth. We now have 54 young Elders/Sisters & 5 senior couples. Only three couples are full-time senior missionaries while the other two are part-time...but they are wonderful, hard working people who will make a huge impact in the mission. We were so happy to be able to see/say goodbye to all the missionaries we've served with over the past 22 months...They are incredible young people & we know the Church is in very good hands w/dedicated, obedient, diligent young people like we've served alongside. You'll recognize a few of them, but most have already returned home & a few are here in Idaho/Utah attending college. We're hoping to be able to see them in the next few months. 

Below are some Elders that served w/us in Kalgoorlie; Elder Meads/Amitua; Elder Winter in Elder of Elder Tate's very you can see. 

Some of our Sisters...Sister Russell (going home soon) & her comps Sister Denton & I don't know the other Sister's name; Sister Olde (leaving for home tomorrow) & her comp who's name has fifteen letters & I can't spell or pronounce! Below is Elder TauHau (from Kalgoorlie) & Elder van der Linen, who served w/us in Kalgoorlie. 
We also spent a day w/the other senior couples & were able to attend the Temple together. Everyone then went to the Mission Home & had dinner w/President & Sister Bennallack. 
They complete their service & return home to Sydney the end of June. President has taken a position as the Director of Family Search for the Pacific area & is looking forward to getting back into IT. 

Time to leave WA for Boise, Idaho...we were already sleep deprived, but ready to go! We left beautiful Perth Friday, June 18 @ 6 am, which was 8 pm Thursday evening to those not familiar w/the time difference & jetted from one side of the globe to another over almost 36 hours. Since our plane from Sydney to LA was nearly empty, Elder Tate was able to meet the pilots & chat a bit! They were great & because they were stationed out of LA, they came back to visit w/us about what we'd been doing in WA & our take on Australia. A great crew...very personal & accommodating. 

Always the missionary, Elder Tate struck up a convesation w/these two young guy traveling around Australia. The one next to Randy is from Queensland & the bearded guy is from Israel. We've always wanted to go to Israel, but after spending an hour visiting w/them we came away w/an even greater desire to see the Holy Land. Hopefully the virus will disappear in the next few months & we'll be able to physically visit some of the places the Savior walked before we leave on our next mission.
What more can I possibly say about our time serving the people of Western Australia? I'm sure there's lots, but for now, we'll have to be content w/the blog & journal entries. All in all it was an amazing journey filled w/lots of love, laughter, emotional ups & downs as we made a valiant attempt to do whatever the Lord required of us. There were really fantastic day & a few really hard ones, but most of the time things always came together & we accomplished much good. The Lord is always constant, true & keeps His promises...of that we can testify.

Flying into the Treasure Valley over the Owyhee mountain range & seeing the beautiful sunset in the West. Only minutes away from home! Soooo excited!!
The Welcome committee! We sure love these peeps & are so grateful for such wonderful family & friends! Most of the grandkids weren't there as it was late & some were out of town, but for those who could come, including several not pictured...we are so very grateful for the support & outpouring of love we received! Thank you all sooo much!!   
Hours later & very, very tired, we hit the mattress for a good night's sleep. HaHa...too funny! That didn't happen for a couple more days because of jet lag, but that's ok...we were able to catch up w/great friends & spent more time w/our family at a wonderful Father's Day barbeque, eating & playing crazy games...basically having a wonderful time together making new memories.

Randy & Leslee...she made him his own plate of deviled eggs. Josh & Tara getting their burgers cheese & marionberry jam burgers. Sounds very weird, but they were delicious!! 
Mom at the table w/Kim, Noah & Belle. She has a fun time eating lots of good food, including her cream, brownies & strawberry shortcake! Loves her sugar cause it keeps her so sweet!!
Playing 9 square & a new game called Burrito Throw?! Giant stuffed burritos on the table are used to pummel people. Here's Belle & Leslee doing battle. 

Jessica made her father his favorite...cherry pie. She's makes fantastic & beautiful pies!! Take note Aussie's what a true fruit pie looks like! 

People are the same everywhere in the world. They all love their families & want to find true peace, joy & success. The restored gospel of Jesus Christ makes these things & so much more possible...not just in this life, but for the eternities. We testify that as we utilize our Savior's Atonement through repentance & faith in Him, we can receive forgiveness & the needed strength to press forward through the encroaching darkness of the world. We know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the Lord's church & is led by a true Prophet, Russell M. Nelson & as we follow the council we receive from him & other leaders, we will find safety & be prepared to weather the storms of life. We know the Savior is truly the Light of the world & will soon return to take His place as Lord of Lord's & King of King's. 

It is our prayer that you may all find joy in your journeys; that your feet may remain firmly planted upon gospel sod & on the covenant path; that your families may be blessed to find peace & safety through life's challenges. 

This is the last post for now on this particular blog...I will start another one when I've had some down time w/family & friends & we've completed trips to see family living in Oregon. Thank you to everyone who followed, commented & encouraged us throughout our time of service. It has meant the world to us...In parting remember these words:

Though we may be miles apart, we'll always be close in heart! Please stay in touch...Love to you all & hurrah for Israel! 
Elder & Sister Tate
Boise, Idaho   USA


  1. So grateful to read your posts and share in your adventures. Aren't we so lucky to meet so many amazing people?

    Love you guys.

  2. Yes...we certainly are! We are really just one humongous family trying to find our way back to our heavenly home. It takes us all helping each other to achieve that goal the Lord is so good to us to allow us to be part of His plan.
