Wednesday, December 9, 2020

It's the most wonderful time of the Year!!

 December 10, 2020

We've had a very busy couple of weeks with everyone getting prepared for Christmas & all the activities which that brings. We had our 2nd Australian Christmas party last Friday night & a good time was had by all. So much delicious food, good conversations & laughter all around. I baked 50 pumpkin pie tarts (plus 10 coconut cream for he RS helpers to sample), we did a small turkey, largest available was only about 10 lbs & it barely fit in the oven, & homemade stuffing. They were a hit & helped bring a little bit of home & Christmas Spirit to us. 

Here's John & Robert, the bakers (& brothers) where we get our donated bread Mon-Fri & who also gave us the tart shells for free! They are such awesome guys! So, of course, we had to give them some samples & now they want me to come in & teach them how to make dessert pies, cause they only do meat pies, like everyone else in Australia. They're thinking the coconut cream & pumpkin tarts will be very popular. Who knows...this might be a new sensation down under! 

Last night we went to the Kaa family's home for dinner. They had come to our place a couple weeks ago for FHE & we had a lovely time w/KT, Ellen & their four kids. They are very gracious people who truly love missionaries. KT actually served in this mission & spent time here in Kalgoorlie, returning later to marry & raise his family. It was a missionary opportunity to meet/spend time w/Ellen's mother/stepfather & KT's good friend...all of whom are nonmembers. 

They invited us over for a traditional Maori hungi (hungee). KT dug a pit in the backyard & put about a dozen foil wrapped packages of different meats & veggies like pumpkin, potatoes, yams, cabbage, carrots...into a very large iron basket that is placed on top of big red hot iron discs. It's then covered w/cloth then more heated discs are put on top of that & again covered w/more cloths to be finally covered over w/dirt. Because it's such a time consuming process, whenever anyone does a hungi, several families contribute & enough is cooked to provide dinner for many people. KT also made several dozen pieces of fry scones that was served w/butter & jam. 

It was a delicious meal spent w/good people. We had a great discussion w/Ellen's parents about his time in America & about the true meaning of Christmas. I think we will be playing games soon w/Ellen's mom & stepdad...hopefully will get them married soon & on their way towards baptism. That's KT in the front of the picture...a big teddy bear of a guy. 

In the past we've mentioned how expensive things are here, especially American food/products. Our favorite mayo is Best Foods & it is around $10.50/per quart size jar. Here are a couple photos of a section of popular American foods in one of the small grocers. You might want to be sitting down when you see the prices! 

It's hard to see so I'll point out that the boxes of cereal are $10.95, the boxes of soda are $19.95, the pop tarts are $8.79, the box of 10 Twinkies is $19.99, the Hershey's candy bars are $7.95 each, & the bags of chips are also $7.95. Understandably, we don't eat many things from the States here. Who knows how long they took to get put on the shelves & how long they've been sitting there?! Fun to see, though. 

This time of year means lots of sporting's still hard for us to wrap our heads around the fact that it's 90*+ outside & they're playing cricket, footie & basketball outside. Looking at this picture, you'd think we were in the good ole USA at any playing field in the spring or fall. But no, Christmas is just around the corner & so is twinkling lights, decorated trees & holiday music. 

Elder Tate's U-14 team is wrapping up their season & has one more game before tournament begins. He has managed to bring these boys along & teach them some life skills as well as help them improve their basketball moves. He loves them & they really love & respect their coach. 

This is the Tau Pau family. Maraea (Mariah) & their boys are very active in the community in basketball. The twins are on Randy's team & are both very good players. Plus they're two of our young teachers & their little brother will be turning 12 next month. Unfortunately, they are moving to Perth just before Christmas. Elder Tate is very sad to lose them on his team, especially with the tournament coming up, but we're especially sad to see them leave the ward for they are such a good family & wonderful examples to everyone. We certainly wish them the very best on this new adventure!

Time has hurried on & we are now seeing our senior missionaries begin preparations to leave for home. It is a very bittersweet time...for while we know & can certainly appreciate that they are excited to return home to loved ones, their diligent & steadfast service will be greatly missed. It is nearly impossible to express how much senior missionaries contribute to the building up of God's kingdom! From supporting/encouraging/teaching new members who are just beginning their life-long journey on the covenant path to those who are returning after years of being away; to assisting in starting up Family History programs, Self-Reliance or Pathway education classes; helping train those in leadership positions & being there as support to members who just need a helping hand; & probably most importantly, senior couples can often bridge the gap & bring love & encouragement to young Elders & Sisters who are far from home for perhaps the first time...missing their families, struggling to feel they are good enough, learning to have faith in their Savior & to listen to the promptings of the Spirit & act quickly when it comes. We are called upon to be a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, a quick hug & word of is amazing how much of a difference we can make in the lives of so many. 

In closing, may you all feel the blessings that can be ours...especially as we focus on Christ during this wonderful time of year. We pray for continued safety, peace & love to be in your hearts & home as you gather to celebrate our Savior's birth. He lives & love us! 

Hurrah for Israel!!  Love to you all....Elder & Sister Tate 

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