Saturday, November 28, 2020


 November 20, 2020

Look at that date! I can't believe this year is almost gone but I think most of us will be glad to see all it's craziness behind. Gives new meaning to the phrase, 'this too shall pass!' However, I was reminded the other day that the movie 'Mad Max' took place in we may have more coming down the road! But, along w/the nutso things that have occured there have been some totally awesome blessings. 

Like many of you, we watched Pres. Nelson's recent video on gratitude. We have loved reading countless social media posts expressing thanks to God for so many blessings, miracles, acts of kindness, healings & other tender mercies. Our hearts have been lifted w/gladness; we've rejoiced & wept to read the wonderful tributes given to parents, family members, friends, strangers, teachers & so many other people who have made an impact upon so many lives. 

One of the things I #givethanks for is our scripture study group. Every week we have a class w/ladies from the ward. We were studying the Book of Mormon/Come, Follow Me guide, but decided to change it up a bit & now choose a topic for the week then come together to discuss it & how we can improve upon, change, or implement it into our lives. A couple weeks ago we met at Nawal Te Puke's home...she's from Ghana & met her husband when he was serving a mission there. They now have three boisterous boys, the oldest of which was baptised a couple months ago. She prepared several traditional dishes that were sooo delicious. 

Alison is on the left & was baptised in February. She's from South Africa & Nawal, on the right, is dressed in her beautiful traditional clothing. We love them & #givethanks for their eagerness to keep learning about the Gospel & for also giving us the opportunity to experience new cultures.

And this was our low-cal dessert...decadent chocolate cheesecake, homemade chocolate toffee
& apple crumble. None of us were dieting....then.

Things are heating up here in the Goldfields! Not only is the temperature rising as we move into summer, but our teaching pool has also increased. We now have a family from Sudan that are being, dad, 2 little kids & an adult cousin. She was looking for help w/prayers & searching for a way to help her little family draw closer to God; saw something about prayer online & the Church's name w/it so reached out. We received the referral & met w/her this past week. She & her two little boys came to our game night & had a good time. When asked which church they would like to go to on Sunday, the boys said, "This one!" So fingers crossed!!

We had a visit from a young friend from Perth this past weekend. Cindy came down on the train & spent a few days looking over Kalgoorlie & hanging out w/us old folks. She's a delightful gal w/a heart of gold who doesn't recognize her own worth. Something we all struggle w/at times. She brought me the most fantastic birthday gift she made! A book w/pictures of some of our young missionaries as well as senior couples still serving & of other's who have gone home plus dear friends from Karratha w/lovely greetings from them all. It was unexpected & beautiful. I don't cry often but it brought me to tears. I'm so blessed to know such giving, kind people! Cindy & I enjoyed our time together & now look forward to another visit come Christmastime when we go to Perth for a missionary conference w/everyone. I #givethanks for the loving kindness of people & wonderful friends! 


We made a very quick trip down to Esperance at the beginning of this week to find some missing members & give a blessing to an elderly sister there. No coincidences when it comes to our Father's children being found...the one separated from the fold. There are about two dozen Saints in this small community, but only one family is actually active. Last time we were there, this sister requested a blessing of peace, which she received. She has said several times how much it has helped here. This time she wanted a blessing on her home & council for some decisions that need to be made. When we arrived she was talking on the phone to her younger daughter who had called to give some very distressing news to her mom. She was very upset & sad, so to receive a blessing & help from her Heavenly Father was very welcome & needed.

Her daughters have not been active for 20+ has had a very hard life & didn't want anything to do w/either her mom or the church. We had no idea how or even if, she would speak to us, but when Elder Tate knocked on the door & introduced himself, she said, "I knew God was going to send someone to find me." She agreed that she needed help to get her life back on track & that she needed to talk to her mother & mend fences. 

Her younger sister, who lives around the corner, works at a local grocers.  She was the one talking on the phone when we arrived at her mom's house the day before. We went in to the store hoping to meet up w/her, but she had stepped out to run a couple of errands. Long story short, we dallied about, looking for a few things we didn't need hoping she would return. About 10 mins. later she did & a clerk, who had helped me earlier, brought her to where I was looking at cards. The gal was so excited to talk to us & asked if we could come to her house the next morning, which we happily did.

We learned a lot about her family & are so grateful we just 'happened' to be in the right place at the right time. Funny how things like that occur so often when it comes to our Father's children...the one needing to be found. The Spirit was very strong as we visited, asked questions & invited her to learn more about the gospel in order to attain her goals of becoming a mother & a better wife/daughter/sister. She now has the Library App on her phone, has requested Zoom lessons for the ADR program so she can quit smoking & will most likely also meet w/the missionaries online to be taught the gospel lessons. We are prayerful her husband will also want to join in w/her on this covenant path so they may learn/grow together. 

Disappointment with our Crocodile Dundee dude. He was doing so well, but made some unfortunate a result he is unable to continue learning about the restored gospel. Of course, things could change, but at this point in time he is choosing to lead a very different life than he was just a few weeks ago. We're sad for him, but optimistic that our Heavenly Father will watch over him.

We #givethanks for the love of Heavenly Parents who patiently watch over their children & who will always provide a way for them to return home. It may not be in this life, but the promises are sure that it will happen in His time & in His way. 

Happy Thanksgiving to our Australia friends & to our dear family & loved ones back in America! The Aussie's love a good meal, so turkey day was a true celebration of all things delicious. We enjoyed a wonderful traditional meal w/the Mortley family & had a wonderful time listening to & watching the antics of their children. We're grateful for their friendship, kindness & love. 

With the world in turmoil all around, it's not hard to believe that the war begun in heaven hasn't's just changed location. The skirmishes & battles may rage around us, but how grateful we are to know the outcome of the war will be won by our Lord & Savior. We continue to be amazed at the powerful messages of hope & love our beloved Prophet, President Nelson & the apostles continue to bring the world. They possess the vitality & energy of men much younger...we get tired just reading/seeing all they do! We have been warned that dark days are ahead. We have also been told that exciting things are going to happen; to eat our vitamins & get plenty of rest for many great & amazing things are ahead. 

Pres. Nelson says that he wants to jump out of bed every day to think of what wonderful things will  be happening. If he can jump out of bed w/excitement at 96, the very least I can do is stumble out of bed & be happy about it as we gird up our loins & put on the whole armor of God. We #givethanks to be led by men (and women) of such faith, dedication & vision. Truly we are a most fortunate people!

We #givethanks that 45 years ago this couple took me (Randy) into their home, gave me a room in their basement (Boise, Idaho) and taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their example my life was changed & a new family was created...I give eternal thanks for their loving kindness in mentoring me. Richard (99) & Lenore (97) Anderson, currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah. They've been great missionary examples to us having served four missions around the world. They were also the last people we said goodbye to in the States before getting on the plane to report to the great Australia Perth mission.

We #givethanks for this glorious world that was created for our benefit. It is often easy to forget that this is a fallen world & must go through a transformation in order to be perfected & receive it's paradisiacal glory. Like us, it is also becoming. It is experiencing groans, pains unexpected bruising & challenges. All creatures will fulfill the measure for which the were created.

It is by seeing others through our Savior's eyes that we can love more, forgive freely, have deeper compassion for & accepting of all who are different from ourselves. It is through seeking a deeper understanding the great plan of happiness that we can be kinder, more patient & tolerant of  disagreement & spite. We are all on the same journey...just taking different paths.

Time is speeding up! We can hardly believe 15 months have gone by w/only 7 remaining here in Western Australia! Much has changed back home & around the world while we've been serving, but the things that matter most have not...they are constant. Our love of family & friends; the gratitude we feel for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ & the sure promises He has given those who are faithful; the blessings of mortality & lessons we gain from life upon this earth; our testimonies of the Plan of Salvation & in our Savior's perfect love.  

We pray for you all & know God's watchful eye is upon all His children in every land. May you feel of His love & peace during this Thanksgiving season & #givethanks...for all things denote there is a God.

Hurrah for Israel!!  Elder & Sister Tate

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing. I'm sorry to hear you aren't teaching Crocodile Dundee at the moment. Love you guys!
