Friday, May 22, 2020

On the road again....;-)

May 12, 2020

Sorry for the delay in a new post, but, as you've seen in previous posts, we've been very busy here in the great Australia Perth mission. We've gathered several vans worth of emergency food/bedding bags; picked up/repaired several dozen bikes; moved all the missionary cars offsite; cleaned almost 40 flats & closed five. We've been putting together food boxes out of the storage & delivering to our house-bound missionaries & preparing other boxes of food items/missionary books/pamphlets for missionaries who will be coming to our mission in the next month or so. 

I had a wonderful Mother's Day spent w/my sweetheart in the quiet of our flat here in Perth. It was a relaxing day of reading, study & zooming w/a scripture study group back in Karratha. Thanks to my sweet daughter Jessica & son Josh for the beautiful flowers! I also received lovely email messages from my other girls & family members. Even though I miss them all so very much, I am very grateful for the opportunity to still be serving a mission where so many had to return home. We feel very fortunate indeed! 

After weeks spent indoors & unable to get out to do service or help others, our young Elders/Sisters were finally able to leave their flats. We put them all to work helping us clean out the flats & they were sooo happy to be out & about. I never thought young guys could have so much fun scrubbing toilets & mopping floors! 

With thumbs up is Elder Tuddenham (Aussie), & Elder Tiaeki (Kiribis); kneeling is Elder Ungo'unga (Aussie but originally from Hawaii) & in back is Elder T'Vili (Aussie).

Hard work requires food=energy...& these boys can put it away! On the left is Elder Tikana from Kirbis; on the rt is Elder Marrett (Aussie); above rt is Elder Fulcher another Aussie; scrubbing in shower is Elder Pongsakon (Thailand). He's one of our faves as we taught him English for several months.

This is our medical couple from Vancouver, WA...the Furin's. They are awesome & work closely w/all the missionaries to make sure we stay in good health. It's sometimes a struggle as we have so many that come here from the islands who have not had access to good medical care. So it's up to them to make sure all our wonderful, hard-working, dedicated Elders & Sisters are well taken care of so, when it's time for the missionaries to return home, they go back better than when they arrived.  That's Sisters Vincent & Seng in the back seat.

We worked hard, too, so decided to have some fun this past to go the beach to wade & swim; went biking; shopping; relaxed w/friends at dinner & played games. It's been sooo lovely having the opportunity to spend time w/other senior couples & discover all the things we have in common & love doing.  Here's some photos of us hanging out w/our buddies.

They have an interesting job here....motorcycle instructors! Yep, we're driving down the road & see two cyclists in front of w/a bright orange vest w/bright yellow 'L' on it. That stands for 'Learner' & he's receiving instructions from the guy behind him. It was very strange. 

Elder Tate all dressed up for our online Zoom Sacrament meeting. His fashion faux pas was just a brief lapse...he finished dressing properly for the Sabbath Day. We're so grateful to still be able to partake of the Sacrament & to be able to now take it to our dear sister missionaries. They had missed it greatly. With the changes going into effect tomorrow they will now be able to go to a members home to have the sacrament & enjoy fellowship w/others. 

We've been fasting & praying to have some of the restrictions lifted by the end of May as we have 10 people patiently waiting to enter the waters of baptism. One young man just walked into the mission offices a couple weeks ago wanting to know about this church the media was always bashing. He figured if he could find so much good about us then there must be a reason for the negative comments. He began an earnest searching that very moment & is so anxious to be baptized & join into membership w/people he has come to love w/out ever having met. It is truly a wonderful time of gathering & we are so very grateful to be a small part of it.  

We received a new assignment from Pres. Bennallack this week. We head south Tuesday morning. That's right! The borders have opened up a bit & we can travel outside of Perth. Our destination is supposed to be one of the most beautiful areas of Australia & I love the names of the towns we'll be working in...Bunbury & Busselton. We'll be serving alongside three missionaries who are opening up the area again in preparation for more coming in the next month or so. We have 8 apartments (flats) to clean up & get ready, so will be busy yet again, but we are looking forward to seeing new places, meeting new faces & making more memories. 

This is a quick post but I'll share more next time w/photos from down south. We sure love & miss all our family & dear friends! Keep up the awesome missionary efforts by sharing messages from the Prophet & Apostles & other  amazing experiences & stories on social media. 

We testify that this is the Lord's work...He is hastening the time of gathering & we all need to decide whose side we are on. The war in heaven is still raging here below, but we know the ultimate victor is Christ, the Lord of Heaven & earth. We know we are led by a Prophet, even Russell M. Nelson & bear witness that by listening to his voice & being obedient to the council we receive, we will be safe in these uncertain times & be able to stand strong in the face of adversity & challenges. We know the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is upon the earth once again & testify that it can be found in the teachings & ordinances of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Love to you all! Elder & Sister Tate  


  1. We love you and daily pray for you! Its wonderful that you get to see more of your mission area! And, of course, you are making friends wherever you go! You two are great at making and keeping friends! Sure do love you! Stay safe! Love you so much!❤💕❤

  2. Love reading your post best of luck to you and your new area of assignment
