Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A very busy time in Perth!

April 25, 2020

Like all of you, our lives have been changed over these past couple of months in ways we could not have imagined. In some ways things are much more challenging & difficult...like meeting new people in community areas/projects, teaching face-to-face, baptisms, attending church, etc. In other ways life has improved for many people...more time together as a family, more personal reflection/self-improvement, developing better communication skills, learning discipline, etc...

The work of gathering has continued moving forward in surprising ways. We are blessed to be working w/some pretty awesome young missionaries. They are faithfully following the council received to pray for personal revelation, following through & having faith that the Lord will bless their efforts. They call dozens of people daily to check in; teach discussions online everyday; & are discovering for themselves how Elijah's promise can bring them blessings right now through FamilySearch...teaching it to others almost immediately; they are bearing testimonies in song on FB & through mighty fasting & prayer. Their roots of discipleship are going very deep.

Here are pictures of some of our wonderful missionaries!

           Sister Matakiti & Sister Tukuafu
               Sister Acosta & Sister Pei                   
       Elder T' Vili & Elder Tiaeki
                                                             Sister Vincent & Sister Seng

Elder Ungo'ungo & Elder Tuddenham

There are still over 55,000 full-time missionaries serving in some capacity around the world. They may be among the 2,000 at home preparing to serve full-time in online MTC classes or the 2,500 full-time, temporary missionaries who get moved from one area to another every week or so as borders open/change; or they might be doing FamilySearch/indexing preparing for when the Temples reopen; they might be service missionaries engaged in humanitarian/welfare projects or studying/teaching a foreign language in preparation for when they can begin their service; taking new Pathway Connect college courses...the opportunities are pretty endless for ways to be serving/preparing.

Here are some pictures of what we've been up to. Elder Tate has been busy fine-tuning all the bikes the missionaries use. Oftentimes he scavenges parts off one bike to rebuild others & he's been making sure they all have working lights, bells & locks. He had no idea he would be spending so many hours collecting & repairing bikes, but finds he enjoys the quiet & new-found skills. Then he & his cohort, Elder Vawdrey, test each bike. I believe Elder Tate could probably challenge the bike expert back home, Kenny Gilson, to a quick fix draw. 

Then there's the vehicles...as you can see below, there's quite a few of them. We only have three missionaries who can drive...three! So all the cars had to be brought in, cleaned & then parked. That took a week. Nice picture of the Temple, too! Now we are gearing up to drive them all to another location where they will be behind locked gates under surveillance until we have more drivers....makes for lots of driving for us senior missionaries. Driving beats riding a bike everywhere here in Perth....there's lots of big hills! 

I've been spending my days helping organize the thousands of pamphlets, booklets, pass along cards & Books of Mormon that we've gathered from the dozens of empty flats. We love our over zealous missionaries who took armfulls of items with every intention of setting the world on fire with their preaching & handing out of Books, missionary pamphlets & cards. Unfortunately, when they all left we had to box all those items up & bring back to the mission office for inventory & are now putting generic boxes together for each new set of missionaries to take with them when they arrive. Trying to keep everything as simple & organized as possible. Takes time & the efforts of all of us working together. Here I am w/Sister Britton & Sister Vawdrey, both from the SLC area.  

The General Authorities have provided missionaries with a wonderful opportunity to receive powerful, uplifting messages every week in Wednesday evening devotionals. So far we've heard from Elder Vinson & his wife & Elder Gong & his wife. They have been sooo good!! We wish we could share them with everyone, but they do not allow that as the talks are not vetted like General Conference talks or articles from the church magazines so they are only available for a few days. 

I loved these quotes from Elder Gong...."Social distancing does not mean spiritual distancing"..."Amid uncertain times, some things remain certain." Elder Tate's favorites: "If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together"..."Unchanging Gospel truths during changing times."  He emphasized that whatever the times & circumstances, the Church will continue to proclaim essential Gospel ordinances & doctrines.  The truth does not change, but the way we present it is ever-changing...improving.

As we continue to experience life & all it's change, we are ever mindful of the blessing we have to be full-time senior missionaries & representatives of the Savior in assisting to spread the good news of the restored Gospel. May you all feel the peace the gospel brings & find joy as you press forward in faith. Our prayers are with you/your families & we know the Lord is aware of each of His children & their needs/desires. We've enjoyed so much the messages of conference & the ongoing messages sent out by the Brethren to strengthen & edify us...especially Elder Bednar's short #HearHim message. They are so powerful & true! Please share them w/all your family & friends to bring them encouragement & hope.

Have a wonderful rest of your week! Hugs & love to you all...Elder & Sister Tate.  



  1. Amazing! It looks like there is a lot to do to keep you all busy! I'm sure the missionaries will love not having too many paper resources to keep somewhere in their flats and of course bikes with lights (and non wobbling seats) are a plus! Loved the photos

  2. Yes...there has been much to do. We completed all the boxing up of paper materials & took two vans full plus the trailer to store everything at one of the church's not being used. Finishing up the flat cleaning over the next few weeks...the young missionaries are sooo excited to be able to get out of their flats & do something, even if it is just to clean another flat! Elder Tate has almost completed the tuning up/refurbishing of all the bikes & they are stored under the chapel at the mission office. It's been a busy few weeks! We are heading to the beach today w/the other senior couples for some R&R.
    How are you doing? What are your plans for the near future? Stay focused & use the excellent skills you developed on your mission & regardless of what you do or what happens, you will do well! Hugs to you...
