Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020 & Happy New Year 2021!!

December 26, 2020

The past couple of weeks have simply blown by! Can't say we're not excited to see the end of 2020 & the chaos of COVID, an upside down election & other crazy happenings, but through it all we've certainly learned some important lessons, gained greater perspectives, & come to better #HearHim as we've followed our beloved Prophet & leaders. We hope the coming year will be more peaceful, bring more kindness & give us opportunities to teach & lead others to Christ. We also have been enjoying the wonderful #LighttheWorld initiative & the great opportunities this time of year affords each of us.

I put out a desperate FB post for anyone's extra Christmas items to help to decorate our naked flat. We didn't want to spend anymore $$ on decorations that we would just leave behind so were very happy when we received lots of lovely donated items...trees, ornaments, etc for ourselves & the Elder's flat. I was so excited to have something to put up...Here's our humble little tree & home afterwards. 

Leslee contacted our friends Alison & Nawal, to be our own personal elves to do some Christmas shopping for her. They filled the giant stocking w/lots of goodies for us to unwrap Christmas morning. They had so much fun & got totally into the spirit of giving. We made a haul thanks to our own personal Santa & her cute, sneaky elves!!  

The week before Christmas we went to Perth for our annual Christmas conference w/all the missionaries & had a fantastic time. It was wonderful to be among all our young Elders & Sisters & feel of their energy & enthusiasm, as well as our other senior missionaries; to receive instruction from our Mission President. We had a fantastic Christmas feast provided w/all the delicious trimmings both American & Australian; beautiful handmade decorations our RS sisters do so well everywhere the world round; laughter & good times. Later that day we went to a local park (of which they have sooo many) to have some fun & let off some steam & eat pizza...teenagers favorite anywhere you go. The next day we spent a couple hours at one of the big malls spreading a little Christmas cheer w/caroling & mingling among the shoppers. Unlike in America & other highly populated areas, there was very little physical distancing or masks to be seen.  

These are all of our young Sister missionaries. Most are from Western Australia, but a few are from Malaysia & the Philippines. In total we now have 34 young missionaries serving & 5 senior couples. We are hopeful of getting about 20 more missionaries from around Australia over the next few months. We still don't have any senior couples coming in...they will most likely be asking for volunteers from the Perth area to help out when we all start leaving, which begins mid-January.

Along w/the happy were some bittersweet moments. The first was that President Bennallack & his wife have been w/their youngest daughter/family for the past month back east in Sydney. She had been undergoing cancer treatment for the past 1.5 yrs, but to no avail & was dying. President decided to make the quick trip back to attend our much anticipated conference but learned, just prior to landing late Thursday night, that he would have to be placed under isolation for 24 hrs. So he wasn't even able to personally attend the conference Friday, but had to do it over Zoom. 

The second & most bitter pill was that he received a phone call early Sat. morning informing him that his daughter had passed away. It was a very sad time knowing he had sacrificed being w/his daughter/family to come back to be w/all of us. He put his missionaries needs before his own & sacrificed precious time in order to perform his duties. What a selfless, devoted man of God! And instead of staying at home to grieve w/a broken heart, he came to the mall to join w/us in singing the songs of celebration & joy that Christmas brings. We could see his tears & hear the tender feelings of his soul as he sang songs of praise to our Savior & felt our own testimonies strengthened as we listened to him bear witness of the birth of Christ & the eternal blessings that can come to all mankind through Him. It is an experience I shall never forget.

Back home we looked forward to the upcoming holidy activities. We enjoyed a lovely dinner w/the Prall family on Christmas Eve then went to the Mortley's for their annual Christmas Day celebration of...what else? A water fight!! It was very welcome as temperatures hovered around 102*-106 for the next couple of days. I'm longing for a white Christmas next year!

And look at these desserts!! Homemade Pavlova & delicious!

We received some of our favorite games from our son, you all know, we love playing games & he sent us two great ones. Cover Your Assests & Splendor. We look forward to introducing them at our New Year's Day game night. He also sent us some very special treats that are almost impossible to find here & if you read one of our last posts, you'll see/remember just how expensive they are. 

Here's Elders Winter & van der Linden (yes, that's his name!) enjoying their first & probably their last taste of our Twinkies! 

Of course, it wouldn't have been a real Christmas without being able to celebrate with our family & we give thanks once again for modern tech that allows us that blessings. If we'd only bought stock in Zoom our lives would be much richer right now! JK....

Family is what brings us the most joy in our lives & the blessings of eternal families through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is what we seek to bring to others. That in no way means we don't have challenges, issues & sorrows... but it is because of the gospel that we are able to put those difficult aspects of living into proper perspective & continue moving ever forward on the covenant path.

We are so very grateful for this past year's opportunities for growth, learning & teaching moments. For the Christlike attributes we constantly are given chances to obtain...patience, humility, charity, virtue, knowledge, hope, diligence & obedience. Through those we have come to know & respect, friends, family, missionaries, investigators & Church  leaders/members...we see in their lives these very characteristics & qualities. There are so many who give of their time/energy to help others w/no expectation of anything in return; those who sacrifice their own needs/wants in order to bless & lift others; for people who so willingly share of their bounty so that others may have; & those who simply strive to bring joy & laughter into other's hearts. 

We give thanks for all these wonderful souls that have enriched our lives & blessed us so abundantly this past year & pray for the blessings of heaven to be upon you throughout the coming New Year....Hurrah for Israel! 

Love to you all....Elder & Sister Tate! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

It's the most wonderful time of the Year!!

 December 10, 2020

We've had a very busy couple of weeks with everyone getting prepared for Christmas & all the activities which that brings. We had our 2nd Australian Christmas party last Friday night & a good time was had by all. So much delicious food, good conversations & laughter all around. I baked 50 pumpkin pie tarts (plus 10 coconut cream for he RS helpers to sample), we did a small turkey, largest available was only about 10 lbs & it barely fit in the oven, & homemade stuffing. They were a hit & helped bring a little bit of home & Christmas Spirit to us. 

Here's John & Robert, the bakers (& brothers) where we get our donated bread Mon-Fri & who also gave us the tart shells for free! They are such awesome guys! So, of course, we had to give them some samples & now they want me to come in & teach them how to make dessert pies, cause they only do meat pies, like everyone else in Australia. They're thinking the coconut cream & pumpkin tarts will be very popular. Who knows...this might be a new sensation down under! 

Last night we went to the Kaa family's home for dinner. They had come to our place a couple weeks ago for FHE & we had a lovely time w/KT, Ellen & their four kids. They are very gracious people who truly love missionaries. KT actually served in this mission & spent time here in Kalgoorlie, returning later to marry & raise his family. It was a missionary opportunity to meet/spend time w/Ellen's mother/stepfather & KT's good friend...all of whom are nonmembers. 

They invited us over for a traditional Maori hungi (hungee). KT dug a pit in the backyard & put about a dozen foil wrapped packages of different meats & veggies like pumpkin, potatoes, yams, cabbage, carrots...into a very large iron basket that is placed on top of big red hot iron discs. It's then covered w/cloth then more heated discs are put on top of that & again covered w/more cloths to be finally covered over w/dirt. Because it's such a time consuming process, whenever anyone does a hungi, several families contribute & enough is cooked to provide dinner for many people. KT also made several dozen pieces of fry scones that was served w/butter & jam. 

It was a delicious meal spent w/good people. We had a great discussion w/Ellen's parents about his time in America & about the true meaning of Christmas. I think we will be playing games soon w/Ellen's mom & stepdad...hopefully will get them married soon & on their way towards baptism. That's KT in the front of the picture...a big teddy bear of a guy. 

In the past we've mentioned how expensive things are here, especially American food/products. Our favorite mayo is Best Foods & it is around $10.50/per quart size jar. Here are a couple photos of a section of popular American foods in one of the small grocers. You might want to be sitting down when you see the prices! 

It's hard to see so I'll point out that the boxes of cereal are $10.95, the boxes of soda are $19.95, the pop tarts are $8.79, the box of 10 Twinkies is $19.99, the Hershey's candy bars are $7.95 each, & the bags of chips are also $7.95. Understandably, we don't eat many things from the States here. Who knows how long they took to get put on the shelves & how long they've been sitting there?! Fun to see, though. 

This time of year means lots of sporting's still hard for us to wrap our heads around the fact that it's 90*+ outside & they're playing cricket, footie & basketball outside. Looking at this picture, you'd think we were in the good ole USA at any playing field in the spring or fall. But no, Christmas is just around the corner & so is twinkling lights, decorated trees & holiday music. 

Elder Tate's U-14 team is wrapping up their season & has one more game before tournament begins. He has managed to bring these boys along & teach them some life skills as well as help them improve their basketball moves. He loves them & they really love & respect their coach. 

This is the Tau Pau family. Maraea (Mariah) & their boys are very active in the community in basketball. The twins are on Randy's team & are both very good players. Plus they're two of our young teachers & their little brother will be turning 12 next month. Unfortunately, they are moving to Perth just before Christmas. Elder Tate is very sad to lose them on his team, especially with the tournament coming up, but we're especially sad to see them leave the ward for they are such a good family & wonderful examples to everyone. We certainly wish them the very best on this new adventure!

Time has hurried on & we are now seeing our senior missionaries begin preparations to leave for home. It is a very bittersweet time...for while we know & can certainly appreciate that they are excited to return home to loved ones, their diligent & steadfast service will be greatly missed. It is nearly impossible to express how much senior missionaries contribute to the building up of God's kingdom! From supporting/encouraging/teaching new members who are just beginning their life-long journey on the covenant path to those who are returning after years of being away; to assisting in starting up Family History programs, Self-Reliance or Pathway education classes; helping train those in leadership positions & being there as support to members who just need a helping hand; & probably most importantly, senior couples can often bridge the gap & bring love & encouragement to young Elders & Sisters who are far from home for perhaps the first time...missing their families, struggling to feel they are good enough, learning to have faith in their Savior & to listen to the promptings of the Spirit & act quickly when it comes. We are called upon to be a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, a quick hug & word of is amazing how much of a difference we can make in the lives of so many. 

In closing, may you all feel the blessings that can be ours...especially as we focus on Christ during this wonderful time of year. We pray for continued safety, peace & love to be in your hearts & home as you gather to celebrate our Savior's birth. He lives & love us! 

Hurrah for Israel!!  Love to you all....Elder & Sister Tate 

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 November 20, 2020

Look at that date! I can't believe this year is almost gone but I think most of us will be glad to see all it's craziness behind. Gives new meaning to the phrase, 'this too shall pass!' However, I was reminded the other day that the movie 'Mad Max' took place in we may have more coming down the road! But, along w/the nutso things that have occured there have been some totally awesome blessings. 

Like many of you, we watched Pres. Nelson's recent video on gratitude. We have loved reading countless social media posts expressing thanks to God for so many blessings, miracles, acts of kindness, healings & other tender mercies. Our hearts have been lifted w/gladness; we've rejoiced & wept to read the wonderful tributes given to parents, family members, friends, strangers, teachers & so many other people who have made an impact upon so many lives. 

One of the things I #givethanks for is our scripture study group. Every week we have a class w/ladies from the ward. We were studying the Book of Mormon/Come, Follow Me guide, but decided to change it up a bit & now choose a topic for the week then come together to discuss it & how we can improve upon, change, or implement it into our lives. A couple weeks ago we met at Nawal Te Puke's home...she's from Ghana & met her husband when he was serving a mission there. They now have three boisterous boys, the oldest of which was baptised a couple months ago. She prepared several traditional dishes that were sooo delicious. 

Alison is on the left & was baptised in February. She's from South Africa & Nawal, on the right, is dressed in her beautiful traditional clothing. We love them & #givethanks for their eagerness to keep learning about the Gospel & for also giving us the opportunity to experience new cultures.

And this was our low-cal dessert...decadent chocolate cheesecake, homemade chocolate toffee
& apple crumble. None of us were dieting....then.

Things are heating up here in the Goldfields! Not only is the temperature rising as we move into summer, but our teaching pool has also increased. We now have a family from Sudan that are being, dad, 2 little kids & an adult cousin. She was looking for help w/prayers & searching for a way to help her little family draw closer to God; saw something about prayer online & the Church's name w/it so reached out. We received the referral & met w/her this past week. She & her two little boys came to our game night & had a good time. When asked which church they would like to go to on Sunday, the boys said, "This one!" So fingers crossed!!

We had a visit from a young friend from Perth this past weekend. Cindy came down on the train & spent a few days looking over Kalgoorlie & hanging out w/us old folks. She's a delightful gal w/a heart of gold who doesn't recognize her own worth. Something we all struggle w/at times. She brought me the most fantastic birthday gift she made! A book w/pictures of some of our young missionaries as well as senior couples still serving & of other's who have gone home plus dear friends from Karratha w/lovely greetings from them all. It was unexpected & beautiful. I don't cry often but it brought me to tears. I'm so blessed to know such giving, kind people! Cindy & I enjoyed our time together & now look forward to another visit come Christmastime when we go to Perth for a missionary conference w/everyone. I #givethanks for the loving kindness of people & wonderful friends! 


We made a very quick trip down to Esperance at the beginning of this week to find some missing members & give a blessing to an elderly sister there. No coincidences when it comes to our Father's children being found...the one separated from the fold. There are about two dozen Saints in this small community, but only one family is actually active. Last time we were there, this sister requested a blessing of peace, which she received. She has said several times how much it has helped here. This time she wanted a blessing on her home & council for some decisions that need to be made. When we arrived she was talking on the phone to her younger daughter who had called to give some very distressing news to her mom. She was very upset & sad, so to receive a blessing & help from her Heavenly Father was very welcome & needed.

Her daughters have not been active for 20+ has had a very hard life & didn't want anything to do w/either her mom or the church. We had no idea how or even if, she would speak to us, but when Elder Tate knocked on the door & introduced himself, she said, "I knew God was going to send someone to find me." She agreed that she needed help to get her life back on track & that she needed to talk to her mother & mend fences. 

Her younger sister, who lives around the corner, works at a local grocers.  She was the one talking on the phone when we arrived at her mom's house the day before. We went in to the store hoping to meet up w/her, but she had stepped out to run a couple of errands. Long story short, we dallied about, looking for a few things we didn't need hoping she would return. About 10 mins. later she did & a clerk, who had helped me earlier, brought her to where I was looking at cards. The gal was so excited to talk to us & asked if we could come to her house the next morning, which we happily did.

We learned a lot about her family & are so grateful we just 'happened' to be in the right place at the right time. Funny how things like that occur so often when it comes to our Father's children...the one needing to be found. The Spirit was very strong as we visited, asked questions & invited her to learn more about the gospel in order to attain her goals of becoming a mother & a better wife/daughter/sister. She now has the Library App on her phone, has requested Zoom lessons for the ADR program so she can quit smoking & will most likely also meet w/the missionaries online to be taught the gospel lessons. We are prayerful her husband will also want to join in w/her on this covenant path so they may learn/grow together. 

Disappointment with our Crocodile Dundee dude. He was doing so well, but made some unfortunate a result he is unable to continue learning about the restored gospel. Of course, things could change, but at this point in time he is choosing to lead a very different life than he was just a few weeks ago. We're sad for him, but optimistic that our Heavenly Father will watch over him.

We #givethanks for the love of Heavenly Parents who patiently watch over their children & who will always provide a way for them to return home. It may not be in this life, but the promises are sure that it will happen in His time & in His way. 

Happy Thanksgiving to our Australia friends & to our dear family & loved ones back in America! The Aussie's love a good meal, so turkey day was a true celebration of all things delicious. We enjoyed a wonderful traditional meal w/the Mortley family & had a wonderful time listening to & watching the antics of their children. We're grateful for their friendship, kindness & love. 

With the world in turmoil all around, it's not hard to believe that the war begun in heaven hasn't's just changed location. The skirmishes & battles may rage around us, but how grateful we are to know the outcome of the war will be won by our Lord & Savior. We continue to be amazed at the powerful messages of hope & love our beloved Prophet, President Nelson & the apostles continue to bring the world. They possess the vitality & energy of men much younger...we get tired just reading/seeing all they do! We have been warned that dark days are ahead. We have also been told that exciting things are going to happen; to eat our vitamins & get plenty of rest for many great & amazing things are ahead. 

Pres. Nelson says that he wants to jump out of bed every day to think of what wonderful things will  be happening. If he can jump out of bed w/excitement at 96, the very least I can do is stumble out of bed & be happy about it as we gird up our loins & put on the whole armor of God. We #givethanks to be led by men (and women) of such faith, dedication & vision. Truly we are a most fortunate people!

We #givethanks that 45 years ago this couple took me (Randy) into their home, gave me a room in their basement (Boise, Idaho) and taught me the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through their example my life was changed & a new family was created...I give eternal thanks for their loving kindness in mentoring me. Richard (99) & Lenore (97) Anderson, currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah. They've been great missionary examples to us having served four missions around the world. They were also the last people we said goodbye to in the States before getting on the plane to report to the great Australia Perth mission.

We #givethanks for this glorious world that was created for our benefit. It is often easy to forget that this is a fallen world & must go through a transformation in order to be perfected & receive it's paradisiacal glory. Like us, it is also becoming. It is experiencing groans, pains unexpected bruising & challenges. All creatures will fulfill the measure for which the were created.

It is by seeing others through our Savior's eyes that we can love more, forgive freely, have deeper compassion for & accepting of all who are different from ourselves. It is through seeking a deeper understanding the great plan of happiness that we can be kinder, more patient & tolerant of  disagreement & spite. We are all on the same journey...just taking different paths.

Time is speeding up! We can hardly believe 15 months have gone by w/only 7 remaining here in Western Australia! Much has changed back home & around the world while we've been serving, but the things that matter most have not...they are constant. Our love of family & friends; the gratitude we feel for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ & the sure promises He has given those who are faithful; the blessings of mortality & lessons we gain from life upon this earth; our testimonies of the Plan of Salvation & in our Savior's perfect love.  

We pray for you all & know God's watchful eye is upon all His children in every land. May you feel of His love & peace during this Thanksgiving season & #givethanks...for all things denote there is a God.

Hurrah for Israel!!  Elder & Sister Tate

Monday, November 9, 2020

We've met a Crocodile Dundee!!

November 4, 2020

Sorry for the delay in posting updates the past couple of weeks. We've been very busy & I just have been too tired come evening time to make a concerted effort to keep up. But that's  ok... we have lots of news to share.

Meet Jason, a true Crocodile Dundee! No kidding... Jason's a full-time gold prospector & lives in his rig out in the bush for weeks at a time even when the temperatures are in the 100's. This would be like living out of your four-wheeler in the middle of nowhere Nevada, without cell coverage & no people for many, many miles in every direction. 

We spent a delightful evening listening to his stories...tales of sleeping w/spiders; coming across dens of deadly king brown snakes; taking helio rides scouting for potential gold fields; being contacted to help find people lost in the bush & other amazing adventures. Not long ago he was the advisor on a TV show about finding gold in the outback. When the directors saw how personable he was with everyone & good on camera, they offered him the lead in a new TV series to just play himself. They offered him a lot of money & couldn't believe it when he turned them down (we couldn't either)! He's just not interested in money or fame, just loves the simple life & is a very humble man who recognizes when he 'has sufficient for his needs.'

However, he's helped others find treasure! One friend asked him to take an acquaintance out prospecting & this guy found three worth about $230K, another worth $40K & a smaller one worth $5K. Of course they were pretty excited. Jason didn't expect to be paid anything for helping the guy, so wasn't disappointed when he wasn't. I think it was pretty cheap of the guy, but that's on him, not Jason. He just goes about his business doing good & helping others.

Below are a few of the nuggets he's found recently...the worth of these three small pieces was around $4000. The largest piece is only about an inch across & worth about $ he does just fine for himself. Elder Tate is antsy to get out in the bush to d0 a bit of gold prospecting for himself. I hope when it comes time to leave for home he doesn't decide to stay behind, but one never knows when gold fever can hit...kind of like covid-19!

Jason started taking the missionary lessons & was progressing very well. He has no religious background or upbringing; no concept of prayer or preconceived ideas about life in general. In other words, he is a clean slate upon which the Spirit can work & write. Jason's very happy w/what he's learned so far & hungry to continue this spiritual journey. He recognizes how those he's loved & lost have actively been directing his path towards us in order to learn about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. However, please keep him in your prayers as the adversary has been working overtime to prevent him from coming to the waters of baptism. It's been our experience that as blessings start to come, so do temptations/trials & if these good souls are not prepared & understand what's happening, they get confused & pull away. 

Here are pictures of our last P-Day w/Elders Maguale & Winter. We spent several hours showing them around Kalgoorlie & went up to the Super pit gold mine. They are wonderful missionaries & we love having them here.

Elder Winter at our Friday game night playing 'Murder', which has quickly become a ward favorite! Even the younger kids are getting ruthless & love the game. Can you see how the marbles for the two teams are at the exact same place? He may not look too happy, but Elder Winter & I won! 

Getting ready to make our weekly jaunt out to the Boulder camp, one of many places the government provides for Indigenous people to stay when they come in from out bush to attend funerals, go to the shops or see friends/family. Some camps are very nice w/cafeterias, nice showers/bathroom facilities & dorm style living accommodations for individuals & families...kind of like our national KOA campgrounds. The difference is the nice ones are alcohol/drug free areas & costs $20/day while the other is free w/no restrictions. Unfortunately, many people come in to these unrestricted camps & bring their little children w/them where they are surrounded by drunks, abuse & unsanitary conditions. It is very disheartening to those who serve & wish there was a way to break through the cultural conditioning & rampant addictions. It is at these times we're so very grateful for Christ's Atonement & the Plan that provides a second chance for all of God's children to be taught free of chemicals & traditions & make informed choices whether or  not to follow Him.


Every Saturday we pick up a big black garbage bag filled w/fresh bread donated from one of the local bakeries. We then separate the bread & rolls into individual bags w/one of these fliers inside. The Elder's put together a drop route & Randy drives them around to visit less actives & non-members they are teaching. It's a lovely way to say 'hello' & we hope to see you tomorrow at Church. Almost everyone loves free, fresh baked bread!

Our most exciting news is the road trip we took last weekend down south to a small coastal town called Esperance. It was nice to leave the dry, red dirt & parched hills of the outback & experience the cool wind & salty sea air that is found along the gorgeous, white sand coastlines. As much as a little vacation is always lovely, the reason we drove several hours south was for long awaited baptism of a 16 yr. old young woman named Bree...& it finally happened! Kicked out of her dis-functional home when only 14, she was taken in by a friend's family, the Barr's. This family moved from California to Australia 20+ yrs ago; have raised 6 kids & continue to be very engaged in the Gospel. They are the only active family in the area...true pioneers, which has not always been easy for them or the kids. But they love it here & have no intention of leaving Australia...only plan on moving closer to Perth & their grandkids as soon as the youngest graduates from high school. 

Elder Tate was able to be one of the witnesses to the baptism...he was excited to be able to observe this sacred ordinance while standing in the sparkling aqua waters of the southern Indian Ocean. In addition to the baptism, he also represented the Mission Pres. in ordaining the Barr's son, James, to the Melchizedek priesthood. It was truly a delightful Sabbath for us all. 

Here you see the flies starting to cover Randy's the time summer hits full on, it will be 
almost black. Hence, the fly net for the head 
otherwise they'll be up your nose, eyes, ears...

We had a stake conference this past weekend w/visits from our Stake President & counselor from Perth. They flew out for two days & helped us enjoy a barbeque & games night Saturday evening & a lovely Sacrament service/combined Relief Society & Elder's Quorum Zoom lesson afterwards. Then we held a 'Munch & Mingle' afterwards w/delicious foods & great conversations. We realize we're very fortunate to be able to do this right now as COVID has prevented these gatherings in so many parts of the world, including our own hometown. We continually pray for the Lord to bless the world & bring about a cessation of the virus so life can resume for families & communities. 

Another birthday celebration here in Australia for me! So grateful for lovely friends & our ward family who help us not be quite so homesick & being away from home a wonderful experience. We visited w/family & friends via FB; spent time w/the Elders...fixed buttermilk pancakes for brunch & played a few games, then had a delicious dinner w/the Mortley family & a missionary lesson w/three nonmember auntie, Elisa & Luisa & her daughter Silo (11). We've been teaching them for awhile now & continue to be hopeful they will commit to baptism soon. Scott & Melissa have become our family away from home...lots of sweet, rambunctious kids to hug; great gospel discussions & laughter around the dinner table. Melissa's a great's the Black Forest birthday cake she bakes for me...yummy! We love our peeps here in Kalgoorlie!


There are some very interesting trees here...these are pictures of one...the Jacaranda tree. During most of the year they are just regular trees w/pretty fern-like leaves & then, when fall approaches, the leaves drop off & what's left is a typical naked tree. As spring approaches, these weird, oval brown seed pods appear & it really is a rather unsightly tree. However, ove a period of weeks this ugliness disappears as stunning purple blossoms pop out & the whole tree is bursting with beautiful bell-shaped blossoms & then bright green foliage appears. When in full bloom they are absolutely stunning! There is no smell until the blossoms are crushed, then a heavenly fragrance is released. It is beyond beautiful.

Like the Jacaranda tree, we too go through periods of dormancy, when we aren't very productive, positive or hopeful. We can often feel ugly or unlovable & feel like a failure. But because of our Saviour, we all have the opportunity & blessing to repent & come unto Him; to become clean again & feel refreshed & whole. Just like the unsightly Jacaranda trees in springtime, when we reach up to the Son, the Spirit can move within us, bringing renewed hope, vitality & beauty to our lives. We are meant to bloom where we are planted & grow into magnificent trees; giving shade or comfort to others who feel hopeless; food to the hungry, shelter from the elements & beauty in a world is often ugly & lonely. 

As we move into the season of thanksgiving, let us seek to have eyes to see & ears to hear that we may let His will prevail in our lives. May we turn to our Father w/gratitude for the glorious plan of redemption through our Saviour's Atonement & recommit to be a little kinder, less judgemental, more patient & faithful. 

We are so happy to be serving the Lord in this little patch of His vineyard & to share in the great gathering taking place throughout the world. We testify that He lives & loves us; that  His gospel has been restored in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; that we are led by living Prophets & Apostles & that the Savior & Redeemer of the world will return again. 

Thank you for your continued prayers in our behalf. We know our Heavenly Father watches over our little flock at home & feel to shout 'Hosanna!' every time we think of the blessings the gospel brings into our lives & that of our loved ones. May you feel His love in your homes & hearts is our prayer....Hurrah for Israel!! 

Love to you all!!   Elder & Sister Tate