Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Fishers of men...& fish!

 May 4, 2021

My how time is flying by us! Took a nice, relaxing trip down south to Esperance to say goodbye to our Church friends there & spend some time walking along the new jetty, enjoying the beautiful setting/scenery in town. 


While taking our walk, we ran into an unexpected friend on the jetty. Bibo was down just for the day to try his hand real luck, but it was a relaxing day for him away from work, which most of the Chinese guys do six days a week. He was very surprised & happy to see us...we love these good men & are so very hopeful that they will come unto Christ in the near future. We know with the love & friendship of members of the Church, they will feel the Lord's love, desire to learn more & soon make sacred covenants which will enable them to learn & feel even more deeply our Father & the Savior's love for them & their families.

The next day we took a relaxing drive to Cape Le Grand National Park. Along the way we discovered exact replica of the one in England! It's pretty amazing to read about the size/weight of these huge slabs of granite & discover that the original stones in England were moved & put in place without benefit of wheels or pulleys. Historians/archeologists still don't really know exactly why Stonehendge was built or for what purpose, however they believe it had to do w/religious beliefs due to the face that they placement of the stones line up perfectly w/the winter & summer soltices. It was very cool! Elder Tate attempted to pull a Samson trick & make the stones domino...but, fortunately, he's not as strong as Samson & lived so we could continue on our journey. 

These are pictures of the national park area...wide & very lovely. Not many trees, just lots of tall bushes, scrubby brush & grasses. In the springtime the ground is covered w/flowers as are the bushes/trees. Very beautiful. 

During low tide people drive/camp right on the beaches! The day was warm & everyone was out swimming in the beautiful aqua waters & taking strolls along white sandy beaches! All the campgrounds were filled up & lots of families were out enjoying the last warm days of fall before the blustery winds & cold ocean waves of wintertime drive them away. 

Mother kangaroo & her baby...which was too large to fit in her pouch but stayed close by. Very friendly & wanting to eat everything in sight...of course, no one should feed wild animals in any country, as it can cause serious problems for them.

Elder Tate's first fishing trip out on the ocean got canceled because of wind. Next day was sooo foggy, but very still, so the trio decided to give it a shot. 

There's no way you will ever find me out on the ocean in a little boat like this one!! Cruise ship is the only way I'll go out there! Some sharks are almost the same size as this boat...just sayin'. 
After a few hours the fog burned away & it turned out to be a gorgeous, sunny day & he was very happy to be on the water w/a fishing pole in his hands. And they were successful, pulling in several red snappers, a couple of small tuna & other fish. We enjoyed a great dinner of red snapper & will have several more to share later w/friends back in Kalgoorlie.

As we've stated before, we're a family who loves games...especially our own game of 'Murder'. We gave one to the Barr's several months ago & they've since had six made & their daughter, who's a graphic artist, did this one up w/fantastical creatures, matching marbles & gems! It's incredible & we loved it sooo much! This is why we don't paint them others can customize them to what they love! So go for it, people!! 

Playing 'Cover Your Assets' w/the Barr's. They love playing games almost as much as we do & it was fun to listen in as the girls tried to beat Sister Barr & Randy. Lots of girlish squeals & lamenting...& the female's were loud, too! 

Saying goodbye is never easy, but we're grateful for the time we've had to get to know these true pioneers who came to Australia almost 30 years ago from California to make a fresh start in a new country. They've raised six children + took one in...Bree, on the end. If you recall, she was baptized last November & continues to increase her testimony every day. The two girls will leave next January for Perth to go to university, which is where James is now. Judy & Tim will put their beautiful property on the market so they can start looking for another place in Perth & back home in the States. We'll look forward to renewing our friendship when they return to America when they come to look for another home in the next few years. 

We also said adios to Elder van der Linden (on the right) who was transferred & will continue serving in Perth. He had never ridden a bike before coming to Kalgoorlie but was determined to do whatever was required. He took some spills yet never looked back until he had accomplished his goal. We were sad to see him go as he had only been here two transfers, but we know he will grow & become even more dedicated to the Lord as he has new opportunities & experiences. 

And it is so true that when one door closes, another one opens!! Elder Amitua is our new missionary & we are sooo excited to have him here w/Elder Meads. We (mostly Elder Tate) has been working w/Elder Amitua for the past five months on his English skills & he is a hard worker & one happy Samoan guy! He will do very well here as we have so many Polynesian people in Kalgoorlie, so now we have to islanders who will feel know how to relate to the culture & know many of the same people back home. He's just off the train here & wearing a mask because Perth had a few cases of covid & had just come out of lockdown but everyone was still required to wear masks...He's all good now & loving being in Kalgoorlie! 

Here's the Kalgoorlie Elders at our Zoom Zone Conference yesterday! Happy missionaries learning how to bring others unto Christ & help them receive joy in their lives! We love their huge hearts & incredible desire to serve Him!

Our hearts are often filled to overflowing w/gratitude & love for the people in this part of the Lord's vineyard & the way the Gospel brings us all together. It is so obvious to us that there is a divine plan in place...that when it comes to the happiness & success of His children, our Father has not left anything to chance. As the scripture says in Moses 1:39...'this is my work & my glory, to bring to pass the immortality & eternal life of man.'

Throughout out journey in Western Australia as missionaries for the Lord, we have seen His hand extended in love & patience through the actions/words of good brothers & sisters who minister so kindly to those who need support & encouragement; when men put aside personal desires to literally put their shoulders to the wheel barrow to move heavy piles of rocks; cut down/stack numerous cords of firewood; move furniture from one place to another...all without expectation of reward, but because they are their brother's keeper & disciples of Christ; as sisters in Zion have taken in meals for a lonely young Chinese mother who just had a baby in a strange country w/no family nearby...& the list goes on.

Just like you, we've had to put many things we took for granted, off to the side as we've dealt w/Covid-19 & are still coming to terms w/the numerous changes that have occurred in the aftermath of 2020. And, like many of you, we've discovered that many of the things we thought were essential, really don't matter much in the long run. What really matters, is how we treat one another & whether or not we actually walk the talk of the Savior when he said...'Come, Follow Me'. 

Elder Oakes has said..."To testify is to know and to declare. The gospel challenges us to be “converted,” which requires us to do and to become." It is not always easy to do what is needful or to become more than we are. But we have been promised that it will be worth every hardship, every sacrifice & every effort when we return to our heavenly home & the Savior's puts forth his hand & says..."well done, thou good & faithful servant."

May you all feel the love of our Father & His Son as you continue to press forward in faith through the challenges that come your way. May you recognize the blessings that fall like rain on parched hearts & souls & give thanks to God, from whom they flow. His hand is over all the earth & nothing can stop His work from progressing.

We love & pray for you, our dear family & friends. May you be happy & continually look for opportunities to serve each other & those around you. Hugs to you all!!

Hurrah for Israel!   Elder & Sister Tate


  1. I love every single one of your blogs! I can’t wait to see you again!❤️❤️

    1. Thank you! We are looking forward to being w/our family & dear friends again soon! Got our itinerary today & will be home June 21st!!

  2. I agree with Billie- Jo. Looking forward to reconnecting with you both before too long.

    1. Thank you! I'm not sure who this is, but if you're looking forward to reuniting then we must be great friends!!

  3. We are looking forward to seeing you again too! Love you guys!

  4. Yes...happy dancing here! We'll be home June 21st, so make plans to go someplace w/your sweetie for a few days & I'll stay w/mom. Hugs to you all!!
