Monday, September 28, 2020

Teaching & more teaching....the Lord's work is progressing!!

September 24th, 2020

Our teaching pool has been enlarged so much in just the past couple of weeks! The Elder's found several new people by tracting & our newest converts, Josh/CeCe, who both work at the prison along w/another member of the ward, have been instrumental in reaching out & connecting w/people there. We are now teaching three from their workplace, two others from the ward who are unmarried w/member partners; & two families in the community the Elders tracted out.

Last night we met w/Elisa, a 26 yr. old gal from NZ who is very keen (excited) to learn more about the gospel. She came to Church last week w/her niece & had so many questions; was so happy to get the Library app on her phone & made another appt for later this week. Her older sister, Luisa & 11 yr. old daughter Seilo (the niece), also started lessons & are very excited. I wouldn't be surprised if they all commit to be baptized within the next few weeks. 

We had a wonderful fundraiser last weekend for the ward youth to attend FSY in Perth this January. They held a carwash, bake sale & sausage sizzle at the church's parking was very successful & they were able to raise the funds necessary to offset what parents put in. Everyone had a great time & fun was had by all that participated & we bought three dozen of Sister Papsin's fresh spring rolls...they are delicious!! 


We were surprised when a call came in Monday morning from President B telling us that all missionaries from Samoa w/less than six months left were going home. The Samoan government & the Church had worked out a chartered flight, sadly, this meant our dear Elder Loto was leaving on a jet plane, along w/60 other missionaries from all over Australia. He would finish serving in December, so he's just leaving a bit early...even though the shock of finding out & having less than 24 hrs to pack up & be gone is hard to deal with, he's excited to see his family. Many of the ward members came to the airport to see him off...bittersweet moments, for sure. Those missionaries are in lockdown until they fly out next week, then will go into quarantine when they arrive home.  He's the one in the suit...

This is one of our favorite ward families...the Sheck's. They are Maori from New Zealand & are very musical. I wish I could share the farewell song they sang in the was beautiful & if they sing it when we leave....we'll be such a mess!!

Randy's coaching an under 14 basketball team & his assistant is a young man of about 22 whose partner is a member, but he is not. Again, not married, but he really wants to be a good father to his little 2 yr. old boy & they are expecting a little girl in a few months, so we are hopeful that these two will tie the knot soon & move forward on the path to full activity. Her parents are wonderful people & very active in the gospel, so it's been hard for them to stand by & see the poor choices some of their children have made...however, they choose to have good relationships, love them & pray that the Lord will soften the hearts of their children to come back. We can see this happening & are so very grateful for their examples. Their daughter is one of those we are hoping will get married soon so her partner can be baptized. 

The other couple we're working with is Limbalan & James & they have four children, the oldest was baptized just a few weeks ago. I think I posted pictures of their family in my last post. Limba really wants to be baptized but they have to get married please keep them in your prayers that these couples will tie the knot so parents can be baptized & the families receive the blessings the Lord has prepared for them. 

At the train station we picked up our new missionary...Elder Maguale from the Philippines! He's about 5' tall but filled w/the Spirit & loves teaching the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. He & his previous companion, Elder Fui Petelo, were together down south for almost 5 months & had more baptisms than any other companionship while there...8 convert baptisms!!  

You might remember us posting awhile back about our time down in Bunbury w/an Elder who had some issues w/obedience. We had been tasked by the President w/putting him to work cleaning out flats & spending time helping him became more focused on the work of salvation so he could remain on a mission. It wasn't us that got him was the Spirit & this little companion he was assigned to be with that showed such an outpouring of love & support that really took Elder Fui Petelo to the next level & helped him w/his English so much that they took their area by storm & did amazing things. We're very grateful to have him here w/us now & look forward to the work moving forward even faster now.

Elder Loto & Elder Fui Petelo are now companions are doing great as they wait to return home. They are in the upper left hand square in this photo of our last District meeting w/President & Sister Bennallack & all the missionaries in our district. Elder Loto is still our District Leader until they leave next week & continues to do a great job. We will really miss his infectious smile & laughter...which he did around us lot w/Elder Tate's wacky sense of humor.

Earlier I wrote about Josh & CeCe & others who have been instrumental in bringing the gospel to others. Here is a picture of the regional Prison outside of Kalgoorlie. The officer in front is Bro. Mortley, who is in our ward & the #3 guy out there. He's a great missionary & is always looking for opportunities to teach & help others come unto Christ. Randy really enjoyed his tour of the Prison...brought back some memories of his experiences teaching the ADR program out at the Prison outside of Boise & the spiritual times he had there. I'm always glad when he gets to leave & return home!

It's impossible for me to imagine being confined to a life in prison. But in a very real way, we've all found ourselves confined, in darkness, sin; bad choices we've made or those of others; addictions; poor habits & decisions that have either prevented the Spirit from being a part of our lives or has drawn us away from our Heavenly Father & the Light. There, but for the grace of God, go I....we are our brothers & sister's keepers. 

This virus has taught me many things, but one of the most obvious, is how much we really need one another. People are lost, alone & confused without hope or any idea where to turn for help or comfort. There are so many loud voices pulling in one direction or another; giving instructions that seem to change hourly or conflicting ideologies that seem fine one minute only to discover that they speak lies. Indeed, we live in interesting times. D&C 123:12

Peace comes to hearts & minds when we turn to the scriptures for answers, especially The Book of Mormon. It builds my faith to know these words were written & preserved for our days...these difficult, challenging times. I know the words, council & promised blessings of ancient prophets have not changed & I am encouraged & edified when I listen to or read the words of our living Prophets who teach that the Lord is in control & I have no need to fear. That there are great blessings ahead. I encourage everyone to re-read Pres. Nelson's last conference talk...'Hear Him' where he states, "Our Father knows that when we are surrounded by uncertainly & fear, what will help us the very most is to hear His Son." 

As we prepare to receive further instructions/promises in General Conference this coming weekend, let us look for opportunities to share the message of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ w/friends, family & even strangers who 'are kept from the truth only because they know not where to find it.' Let us share this Light so that prison doors will be open & our brothers & sisters can come out of darkness & feel our Father's love by learning of the Savior & Redeemer of the world. 

We miss & pray for you, our dear friends & family! May you remain faithful & fearless!! Love to you all...Hurrah for Israel!!  Elder & Sister Tate


  1. Reading your post all I could think of was "a marvelous work and a wonder"! Christ is truly in this work. You are serving beautiful people. Love reading about it.

    1. Thanks!! We appreciate the love & support from our family & friends! It truly is a marvelous blessing & a wonder that we are here! They are beautiful people & the Lord loves us all. Hugs to you!

  2. Finally! Its working! It got rid of 3 other comments, but I just wanted to send our love and support and tell you that you are making a huge difference in the lives of so many countless people's lives and their posterity, even your own! I'm so proud of you and grateful for your example! The good people there are so blessed to have you as you strive to bring unto Christ all of our Father's children who will hear.

    Love you so much! We will continue to pray for you and yours! Much love sent your way!!!😘❤❤❤

    1. Sorry...sometimes this site isn't very user friendly. Thank you so much for the love, support, prayers & encouragement! Most of the time it's not hard to be away from home, but with everything happening I often wish I could be in two places at once. But I know the Lord is aware of our concerns & watches over our loved ones better than we could anyway! Love to you & your family!
