Tuesday, October 22, 2019

They say it's Spring...but I don't believe it!

Oct. 22nd, 2019

So today we were getting a few things in the shops & I saw a store window that said, 'Happy Spring!'
Image result for happy spring window displays

It was about 11:00 am & 41*C outside...which is like 105*F. It got up to 107.6* today. If this is spring then, come summer, we're going to be like eggs frying on the pavement! I would like to pay homage to the man who invented A/C...he was a genius & deserves my utmost gratitude.

Elder Tate had the opportunity & I use that word very loosely, to spend some quality time w/the Elder's quorum for a morning of golf. There were six guys playing, plus the two missionaries & an eight yr old...most of them had never played before. Here's a pic of one of the 'putting greens'. Out of nine holes only one was actually green. They had a good time even though they had to start at 6 am & by the time they finished four hours later it was in the 90's. 

The good thing about the warm weather is that our efforts to help move the Lord's work forward in this part of His vineyard is getting hotter, too! We sure love the pioneering saints here in sunny Karratha & Port Hedland, WA. They are such good people who love the Gospel of Jesus Christ & are willing to do whatever is needed to bring their friends/family to an understanding of this marvelous work & a wonder. Here are some highlights of what's happened the past week.

Here are our two wonderful Elders we serve with in Karratha....Elder Poxon from Burmingham, England & Elder Yavala from Fiji. Can you guess which one is which?! 

Elder Yavala can eat his weight in food every day & bikes like a crazy man while poor Elder Poxon is nearly melting in the heat & lagging half a mile behind. There's no way he will gain any weight here as he sweats it all away...plus he's a vegetarian, so the poor boy can't gain an ounce. They both are very smart...Elder Poxon wants to be a biochemist & Elder Yavala an IT guy. 

Here are our other two Elders from Port Hedland. At the time of this picuture, we were serving in a local soup kitchen. One is Elder Gardner from a little town close to Gilbert, AZ & the other is Elder Tiikana (pronounced Sekana) who's from a small atoll called Tarawa in the Gilbert Islands. Again...can you guess which is which? 

Elders Yavala & Tiikana tell us that most of the schools in the Pacific Islands are owned/operated by the Church. They provide education free of charge to all children up & through high school regardless of their faith. Most of them speak very good English, which is required to graduate. Elder Tiikana will be attending BYU-Hawaii where he wants to study computers after he finishes his mission. Elder Gardner is going into the family business...which is the town his family owns. What?!

We had the pleasure of visiting with an 86 yr. old member of the branch in Port Hedland..his name is Jacob Brockley. He was a young child during WWII & witnessed/survived the bombing of his beautiful city of Cologne, Germany which lies on the Rhine River. It was fascinating hearing him tell about the places he's visited/worked/traveled & the famous people he's come in contact with, like Bruce Lee, who he knew very well & received martial arts training from. He also wore very little clothing...which was a little weird for me, but didn't seem to bother him in the least. 

We're learning to try all kinds of new things when it comes to bringing others to Christ. It seems there's people everywhere looking for something that's lacking in their lives. They might be found in a soup kitchen, in a gardening or exercise group or learning English. They might simply be listening to a Sunday evening radio show & hear a message that resonates in their hearts. The two young Elders in Port Hedland have been doing a radio program for quite some time twice a week & invited us on as their guests. It was a very inspiring opportunity & taught us to be prepared to open our mouths & share a message to anyone who might be listening. 

We discussed the meaning of the verses found in Matthew 7:7-8 which says: 
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 
The key is we have to ask, seek & knock...these are action words that require us to go & do...

Our first & favorite English student has moved with his family to Perth. We sure love his family will miss them, but we can look forward to continuing English lessons over video chat & seeing him continue to progress both in his language skills & also in learning the gospel through his lessons. We look forward to seeing them again the end of November when we go to Perth for a senior missionary conference.

Our Garden Group continues to thrive...different families showing up almost every week. The children created a scarecrow out of cast off clothes belonging to their dads & had a great time cooking up a sausage sizzle w/Elder Tate. That's what they call a weiner roast in these parts. The gal holding the little one is Sue...she's from Burma & has joined our Zumba class. Last Saturday we had 9 non-members & 5 members. It's getting almost too large for our little branch building...which is a great problem to have!

In closing I would like to challenge each of us to look around & make a new friend. It's not hard...there are people everywhere who need a friend. The Lord knows who they are & how we can help them feel His love. They are just like us...they love their families, they want to be happy & they worry/have problems & challenges too. We have the answers they are seeking & just need to be ready & willing to open our hearts & mouths when opportunities are presented. 

We love you all & are so grateful to be blessed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The opportunity to listen to conference & hear the words of modern-day Prophets & Apostles has strengthened our testimonies & given us the added peace & courage to continue on this chosen path. May God bless each of you & your families as you also press forward in faith.

Hugs to all....Sister & Elder Tate


  1. You two are amazing and inspiring, I love reading all these stories and experiences! Love you both so dry much and miss you!! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Thanks...wish I could take credit, but it's the Lord's work which is amazing! We've had lots of help from the wonderful Saints here & the hard-working Elders...it's a team effort!

  3. Love hearing about your service and the wonderful experiences you are having!!
    Brent Chapman

  4. Thank, Brent! It has been quite the adventure so far. We love the people & are so grateful for the opportunity to share our testimonies with others. God truly is good! Hope you/your family are all well & enjoying the cool & colorful fall weather as the holidays draw near. That will be a tough time being away from all our family, but will spend it with our new friends here down under. Please give your family some hugs for us!
