Monday, September 9, 2019

Our new area is amazing!!

Greetings from Western Australia! Elder Tate & I arrived on Aug. 28th to a warm welcome from Pres. & Sister Bennallack & were swiftly taken to meet the two other senior couples serving in the Perth mission office. They are incredible, hard-working people devoted to making sure all the missionaries are well taken care of & kept on task. While there they took us around to experience many of the unique of my faves was the Koala bears & kangaroo habitat @ Cohunu Park.

The beach at Hilary’s Cove with our new senior missionary friends! The Olsen’s, us & the Daleys.

We flew out of Perth for our new assignment on Sept. 2. It’s about as far north as one can get & as we flew overland & saw red dirt as far as the eye could see, we wondered if Mars was our new destination. It’s actually a small oasis on the edge of the Indian Ocean called Karratha & we have fallen in love with it & the people here. They are as warm as the temperature (currently it’s early spring & 91*). Get’s up in the triple digits in summertime. 😎

Went w/the young missionaries to teach the second day here & met a great new member named Melanie & an investigator aboriginal mom & four kids. Church was wonderful & the members are like one big family who truly love & minister to each other. The families are almost all young w/several children & there are about 60 active members in the branch.

The average age in Karratha is...wait for! Yep, seven years old. That’s cause educated singles or young married couples come here, work for really good money, start their families & save for when they can move away to somewhere else w/more opportunities for growth. But those that are here to stay are very supportive & understanding. The huge corporations that operate the mines & off shore drilling provide lots of amazing amenities for their employees to make their time here productive & enjoyable. Like a $62 million sports complex, new state of the art hospital, Library & performing arts center. 

The Church is true wherever one goes in the world & the members love to share & be a part of helping the Kingdom grow. We are so grateful for this opportunity & know the Lord lives & loves each of us regardless of where we are, who we are or what we do. God bless & love to all!


  1. Love reading about your wonderful experiences on your mission. So grateful to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!

    1. Thanks, Laverne! I know, isn't it amazing to have men like Pres. Nelson as our Prophet! We call him (affectionately) Hustle M. Nelson cause he puts the rest of us to shame!

    2. Weird...the name that came up to publish under is not mine. Sorry!

  2. You guys look so happy!�� And I love the pictures! So cool! What a great area. We've been watching a documentary on Australia and have enjoyed it all the more because you're there. We pray daily for you and yours. Keep the messages coming. We love hearing from you!❤ Love, Ellise and Family

    1. We are! It's really easy to love people when you are serving them & teaching about our Savior. Not that there's not challenges or fears, but love generally always puts them in perspective. We sure love you guys, too!

    2. We are! Miss the family, but know the Lord is watching over them & doing a better job than we could if we were home. Thanks for the prayers...we feel their power in our lives. Love to you all!!

  3. Wow, its amazing how fast missionaries get thrown into the work. I love hearing about your great work!

  4. Yes...too much time to wonder what the heck we're doing would not be a good thing!
