Monday, August 5, 2019

Well...much has happened since my last post. Some of it wonderful but much of it wrenching & sad. On July 21st, our sweet eight year old grandson, Jack, passed away unexpectedly. This was devastating to our daughter Kim, Lance & their other children & our hearts have been heartbroken for the sudden loss. While we have shed countless tears & spent hours in prayer there has also been an amazing outpouring of love from the Lord, friends & family. We are grateful for the kindness, cards & memories so many have shared with us & give thanks for such loving charity at this difficult time. 

Here is a few pictures of our Jack. I hope you can see the special sweetness in his bright blue eyes & feel of the love he had for all who came into his circle of influence. He may have been just a little boy, but there was nothing little about the love he had for others. 

Here we're celebrating our summer birthdays & his was pretty special...the BIG #8!! Randy's holding his little sister Sidney, then Jessica, Briella, Jack's mom Kim, Jack in the bright blue taco shirt & cousin Lachlan.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing

Here's Jack just prior to his baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He's holding his new scriptures & is very proud cause they have his name on them....Jack Wesley Shores. It was a very happy day for him & all our family. He was smiling the whole time!

He loved school & his wonderful teachers & friends!
Kimberly Tate Shores's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, eyeglasses

Jack's funeral service was July 24th, 2019. It was beautiful, sunny day....a true celebration of his short, yet influential life. His aunt, Sarah Tate, gave his life sketch which was sweet, funny & filled with love; another aunt, Jessica Shaddick, at the piano & his cousins, Ian Shaddick & Callie Jo Weaver, were at the upright bass & cello & played a favorite Primary song...'A Child's Prayer'.  Leslee Tate, known as "aunt favorite" to all the nieces & nephews, shared some experiences of & with Jack; some sweet thoughts & a very moving, tender poem she wrote about him. It left everyone weeping...from sadness, yes...but more so with joy! I was privileged to speak & have included my talk from Jack's funeral service for anyone who might be interested.

I'll close by bearing witness that God lives & loves each of us. His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, is our loving brother, our Savior & Redeemer...a perfect example of how to live here on earth amid imperfect people who suffer all the ills of life. Christ provided the Atonement which provided an escape from the grave & death so that each of us may one day be able to return to live eternally with our Father in Heaven. Jack lives because Christ lives...& we will see, laugh & love him again. In the name of Jesus Christ....Amen.

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