Tuesday, June 25, 2019

June 25, 2019

The countdown to leaving on our mission to Perth, Australia is now at 60 days! Time seems to be flying by as we plan last minute trips to see family & friends; take mini-vacations with the grand-kiddos & finish purchasing items we might not be able to find (or afford) once we get to our final destination...which sounds like it may be in the outback!

Best laid plans often go awry as the adversary attempts to thwart us from leaving, however, nothing will prevent us from serving the Lord. Here's a few of the roadblocks we've faced in the last few months. In January, to give plenty of time for healing, Randy had foot surgery to remove a large bunion & correct a hammer toe. However, a due to some unexpected pain, we visited the surgeon a couple days ago & discovered the pin that was put in his toe has broken. According to both the surgeon & the company that provides the implants, this has never happened before. So, instead of replacing the pin & hoping the same thing won't happen again, Randy has decided to just have most of his toe removed tomorrow morning! A little radical perhaps, but this will prevent the same problem from reoccurring...at least that is what we've been promised & are praying will happen. 

We've also been earnestly praying to sell the business Randy started eight years ago. Even though it was rough to let the small, but successful company he had built from scratch go for next to nothing, this is what the Lord required of us, & it is done. We learned a lot about ourselves & what it means to be in the world, but not of the world; how to let go of earthly things & expectations, & that sacrifice truly does bring forth the blessings of heaven.

Even though we can often be disappointed in the actions of others, there are more times when we are edified to find friends who lift & bless our lives when least expected. We have been richly served by others who have provided us loving support & encouragement & cried with us when doubt could have clouded our minds; helped lift or carry a burden that weighed heavily on our shoulders & shared testimonies/faith to keep ours from wavering.

Over the next few weeks I will share some of these wonderful, faith-promoting experiences. I bear testimony that our Father in Heaven loves us & is gathering His elect around the world. We are anxious to be about His business.  

Love to all!

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