Sunday, October 11, 2020

Bringing a little bit of home to the Goldfields!

 October 5, 2020

Anyone who knows us well knows we love playing games w/our family & friends. And, of course, the most favorite game we play would be our very own marble game Elder Tate created a few years back called...'Murder'...the game you love to hate! We welcome the newest 'Murder' marble game fanatics to our growing ranks! The Pilason family here in Kalgoorlie, WA! This past week, he got together w/one of our ward friends who possess more power tools than anyone we've ever met & the two spent several hours together cutting, drilling, & sanding to make a gameboard for Daniel's family. They now have an original, one-of-a-kind, autographed game that they very quickly came to love. With upcoming ward game nights being planned, the happy duo plan on making a few more to share w/ward members as a fun memento to be remembered by when we have to leave Australia. S0 looking forward to seeing/hearing excited voices as multiple games are being played...a little bit of home down under!!


As usual, just about the time we have people ready to be baptised, things change. Here we have Elders Palelei & Elder Maguale getting ready to board the train to Perth where they will be going for the next few days to enjoy Zone Conference w/the other missionaries. This is a very exciting time for those serving outside of Perth for they seldom get to hang out w/them. Elder Palelei won't be returning to us as he's being transferred to a new area...bittersweet as he's excited to go someplace new, but has the potential for three baptisms here in Kal in the next few weeks. He'll Zoom in when it happens, though. So Elder Maguale will be returning w/a new companion & will continue moving the work forward w/his infectious smile & humble teaching. He's a great missionary & we're very happy to be serving w/him. And, from the smile on our Bishop Papasin's face, you can see how happy he is because now there's someone else as short as him! 

And here's Elder Maguale back from the 3 day conference w/his new companion, Elder Winter. As you can see, he's going to be feeling even shorter than before. Elder Winter is about 6'4"...a very tall fellow & strong. His original call was to serve in Cambodia but will be in our mission until it opens up again. He has a sister living in Calgary Canada & a brother at BYU-I. His parents are planning to move to the States as soon as the restrictions are lifted, so he'll be coming our way in about 21 months.

Here we are at the Church for our first game night! Small turnout, but fun all the same. Basketball under the stars for the Elders, Bishop & Henry (non-member from China); Murder game & Uno...pingpong & treats. Now that school breaks are over & summer's on the way, this will be a weekly Friday evening activity. Good times & opportunities for missionary work w/our neighbors & friends! 

These past weeks we've been reminded how often the Lord whispers to us & when we are prepared to hear, hearken & heed...blessings always follow. Here's just one example of how much the Lord is aware of the one & desires to bless each of us. 

Yasmin is a recent convert of about 9 months. She's 40, attractive, smart, yet has never married...just the sweetest woman & without guile. She's been living in an RV for the past year on a friend's property to save money & help him out. We had met this guy, John, through Yasmin...he's a less active member of the church, kind of a crusty guy, 66 yrs. old single with no family. It was an opportunity for them both to be independent, yet offered friendship. Several months after the arrangement started, the missionaries found John through the area book & started teaching Yasmin the gospel. In February of this year, Yasmin was baptised.

Life was pretty good, until a few months ago when things began to change. Yasmin became concerned because John had started acting strange...smoking pot; treating her like his personal maid; became very rude, belligerent & she moved her trailer & for the past several weeks & began looking for her own place to live. John got very angry & basically told her he didn't want to see her again. He treated her very badly, but she tried hard to not have any harsh feelings against him.

Yasmin travels several hours away to work at one of the goldmines & stays on site for two weeks then comes back for one. Two weeks ago, after Yasmin left for work, John was admitted to the hospital in great pain & was told the next day that he had terminal cancer w/maybe a year to live. Understandably, he was very distraught at this diagnosis. No family, not active in church & he had kicked Yasmin out of his life & had no one else to turn to. 

Randy's been very kind & genuine in wanting to know what makes John tick, so, when the Dr. gave John this prognosis, he called Elder Tate. He was filled w/fear & his immediate query to Randy was...'Is it too late for me to repent? Am I going to hell?' He wept & was so afraid of being alone & what was to come. He has spent many hours this past week sitting at John's bedside teaching, giving him support, hope & encouragement. John has gone from being afraid of death to wanting to learn more about our Father's Plan of Happiness & all the entails. He now yearns to be reconciled to God & his small seed of faith that all will be well w/his soul is increasing. Because of Christ's Atonement, he is coming to realize that death merely unlocks the gate that leads to eternal life & through repentance he can be made whole. 

When Yasmin returned home from work, she prayed & seriously pondered whether or not she should continue looking for her own place, but in less than 24 hrs decided to move back to John's w/her RV in order that she be available to assist in John's care. This was such a compassionate, humble decision...I'm not sure I would have been able to make such a selfless choice. But she doesn't see herself in this way. She said to me..."The Lord has blessed me so abundantly these past few months by bringing me into His gospel. I've received answers to so many questions/prayers & found so much joy. I would be very ungrateful if I didn't help one of His other children who needs my assistance."

The Elders, Yasmin, Randy & I went over & cleaned/prepared John's home for his return. He's so grateful for the love & care that has been provided & is humbly accepting help he wouldn't have even considered a short while ago. The Bishop, EQ & RS are all aware of what's going on & ready/willing to assist in any way & at any time. Yasmin met with the long-term care organization & got everything organized & set up for when she is at work.

Charity truly is the pure love of Christ made manifest in the compassion & empathy of those who lift, edify & serve others without expectation of reward. We're so thankful to be able to participate in the gathering of Israel. What a wonderful, exciting time to be alive & a part of this great work! 

We pray for you, our dear family & friends. May you seek to know the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, that Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the restoration, that Jesus is the Christ, the Redeemer & Savior of all mankind & that we have living prophets & apostles upon the earth today. 

 Hurrah for Israel!! Elder & Sister Tate
