Monday, July 8, 2019

July 09, 2019

Here is some information on the Perth, Australia mission, where we will be serving for the next 18-23 months. Going to have to get used to the metric system...not excited about that, but at least Randy knows his metrics! 

Western Australia (WA) occupies the entire western third of Australia. It is bounded by the Indian Ocean on the north & west & the Southern Ocean on the south. It is the largest mission state in Australia & the largest mission in the Church, covering more than 2.6 million kilometers (10, 021,748 sq. miles)--the combined size of Alaska, Texas, Japan, New Zealand & the UK. It would be like driving from Salt Lake City to LA & from the Canadian border to Mexico. The total population is 2.6 million, only 11% of the total population, with over 91% living in the southwestern corner, mostly in the Perth area. That leaves the remaining 9% spread throughout a vast area. 

Western Australia is divided into 139 local governments w/over 100 of these being in remote areas. The largest of these is East Pilbara, covering 372,301 sq. kilometers (143,746 sq. miles)--roughly the size of California, & with a population of just 8,000 people!! It's hard to imagine providing resources & support across an area 13 times the size of the state of Washington. Looks like we'll be doing LOTS of driving to do visits, minister, teach & whatever else needs doing...on the wrong side of the road, no less!! 

Perth is in the southwest coastal area & has a Mediterranean climate. It lies on the Indian Ocean side of the country & is one of the top six regions for marine biodiversity & contains the most southerly coral reefs in the world. 

      The red & green kangaroo paw is the floral emblem of Western Australia

   Crocodile at Lake Argyle

   Ngaanyatjarra children, from the desert regions of WA

As of yet we don't know exactly where we will be living. It could be in Perth or in the middle of the outback! Right now we expect to be about 3 hrs from chances are it will be hot & dry, sparsely populated...kind of like Mountain Home. We will be arriving at the end of their winter, so early spring with some rain. Christmas will be very different from our beautiful snowy, cold winters...more like Arizona, but without the pine trees. 

It will be an exciting adventure & one we're anxious to begin! I look forward to sharing more info & pictures as we move forward on the next leg of our adventure. Love to all!!