Friday, May 10, 2019


Hello! This is a picture of my husband, Randy & myself. We are currently preparing to serve an 18-23 month service mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the beautiful, down under land of Perth, Australia.

This commitment has required numerous adjustments & changes to our comfortable, although challenging, lifestyle. For instance, we sold our beautiful home & most of our belongings; we're living with a friend in her basement; we're in the process of selling Randy's business so he can retire & are making plans to visit several family members not living in our area before we leave the country in August.

Here's a picture of some family members & dear friends at our annual New Year's game day. There's more playing basketball, watching movies or preparing a play to share later with everyone. We have four adult children & 11 grandkids who all live here in our beautiful Treasure Valley. My mother & seven of my eight siblings are also close by & I count these people/relationships among my most cherished blessings. 

So, considering the closeness of our family & that we are able to do just about anything we want, you might wonder...why we are leaving? That's a very good question & one I've even asked myself a few times! Well...I'll tell you.

I'm a fifth generation Idahoan & come from very valiant & adventurous pioneer stock. Some of my ancestor's came over on the Mayflower; later, others came to escape poverty, or because the lure to establish their families in a new land of freedom & unknown opportunity was too great to ignore. Others walked beside wagons or a handcart as they left homes & belongings to escape religious persecution & intolerance, settling in the American West, which is where we've pretty much stayed. I truly believe part of what drove these individuals to leave loved ones; walk away from property & do the unthinkable, was because the Spirit of the Lord whispered to their souls to do so & the fire of faith drove them forward into the unknown. 

It was only here in America that the Gospel of Jesus Christ could be restored through modern-day revelation; it was only here that a young 14-yr old boy could be an instrument in God's hands to bring us ancient scripture; it was only here that the early Church could be organized, refined & magnified to fill the whole earth in preparation for the return of our Heavenly King.

As a beneficiary of these courageous, faithful & obedient individuals, I owe a great debt to share the good tidings that have brought me & mine inexpressible joy, countless opportunities & the inconceivable blessings of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my privilege & responsibility to go into the world & share my knowledge/testimony of the life & ministry of our Savior; the restoration of His true & living Church; & that He will come again. 

It is my hope that any messages/thoughts & the experiences as we prepare to leave home will help others going through similar things...separation anxiety, doubt, fear, lack of ability, etc. Please feel free to ask questions, offer suggestions or just comment. I look forward to making new friends & sharing my experiences with you as we embark on this exciting & humbling, dventure together!
